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Biden: BLM Rioters “Peacefully Protested” 

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  • Source: Bongino
  • 05/30/2024
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President Joe Biden characterized the deadly and destructive 2020 summer of rage as a peaceful protest Wednesday during a campaign event in Philadelphia. “Let me ask you,” Biden said to the audience, “what do you think [Trump] would’ve done on January the 6th if Black Americans had stormed it — think about this: What do you think would have happened if Black Americans had stormed the Capitol? I don’t think he’d be talking about pardons. This is the same guy who wanted to tear gas you as you peacefully protested George Floyd’s murder.”

It’s unclear if Biden knows black people were indeed present on January 6, 2021, and are currently being persecuted by his Department of Justice. Phillip Anderson, a black man who demonstrated at the capitol on January 6, wrote on X in response to Biden’s remarks, “There are plenty of black J6ers, including myself, and Joe Biden is persecuting us all to death. And THAT is the reason why Trump is talking about pardons.”

Moreover, the BLM riots were not "peaceful." they resulted in billions of dollars of damages in cities across America. Countless neighborhoods were destroyed and businesses never reopened. The scenes from these “peaceful protests” four years ago looked more like a third-world, war-torn country than the United States. 


Recall also Seattle’s Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone (CHAZ), where for roughly 3 weeks BLM rioters conquered 6 blocks near the Seattle Police Department's East Precinct, barricading out law enforcement. Two people were killed in the lawless zone area and there were several shootings. 

It’s no secret Biden is struggling with young people and minorities. According to Politico, “a recent North Carolina focus group of Black voters conducted by BlackPAC [found that] those who backed Biden in 2020 said they felt the promises he made to their community hadn’t come to fruition.” 

Biden's remarks Wednesday were part of a push to reach out to black voters. The Biden campaign has reportedly invested seven figures this month in Black media in order to convince people that former President Donald Trump is an avid racist. Ironically, however, Biden has been making racist statements for years. 

Indeed, the president eulogized a Ku Klux Klan leader and said things like “Poor kids are just as talented  and talented as white kids.” In the 1970s, he was also a staunch opponent of mandatory busing as a method of school desegregation, stating at the time that he didn’t want his children growing up in "a racial jungle with tensions having built so high that it is going to explode at some point.” 

In other words, Biden’s public remarks and record indicate that he is prejudiced against black people, and instead of presenting a serious pitch to already skeptical black voters, he's defaulted to lying about Trump, January 6, and the BLM riots.

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