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Buttigieg on Biden: We’re All Aware of How He’s Doing

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  • Source: Bongino
  • 07/29/2024
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Pete Buttigieg attempted to assure the public that Joe Biden is “all there” when telling Fox’s Shannon Bream yesterday that everyone in the administration is aware how he’s doing.

The implication is that they’re all aware of how he’s doing because he’s A-OK and there’s nothing wrong - but we all know he isn’t, and it’s incredible that anyone is pretending otherwise after Biden performed so poorly in his debate with Donald Trump that he had to withdraw from a presidential race, something that has never happened before in history. 

If Buttigieg is being honest here, it’s an admission that they’re all aware of how poorly Biden is doing - which makes more sense considering the Democrat establishment just forced him out of the race. 

“We’re all aware of how he’s doing,” Buttigieg said. “Our country has watched our president lead, and yes, we’ve also seen the fact that he’s 10 years older than he was 10 years ago.”

To make a point that’s been made a million times already; the Biden age issue isn’t actually about age, but how he performs at his age - which is horribly. 

Buttigieg attempted to argue former President Donald Trump has become “older and stranger,” and Democrats do not suffer from the “warped reality” of Republicans. To make his case, he cited a single example of Trump mixing names up, as if Biden doesn’t do that multiple times per speech - most recently, notably referring to Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky as “President Putin,” and calling Trump his Vice President. 

If they weren’t already aware before then, Democrats have been aware of Biden’s true mental state since at least October 2021.

According to the Wall Street Journal:

Ron Klain, who attended the October 2021 meeting and was Biden’s chief of staff at the time, said the decision not to call for a vote at the time was a “brilliant” move by Biden that avoided strong-arming reluctant members of the Democratic caucus and that later paid dividends. Biden signed the infrastructure bill into law the next month, one of his biggest legislative achievements. Other Democrats in the room also said they were confused by how Biden handled the meeting. 


Senior officials at cabinet agencies have privately complained for years that they didn’t have enough contact with the president and his senior team, who centralized power in the White House and directed much of the administration’s policy activity. 

While it’s not unusual for cabinet members to want more access to the president than they get, some officials described Biden as unusually removed from the rest of his administration—or, as one former administration official put it, not engaged in the “hands-on business of governing.” Some cabinet secretaries see the president as infrequently as once a month. 

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