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CNN Bizarrely Gushes Over How Well They Think Hamas Treats Its Captives

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  • Source: Bongino
  • 10/25/2023
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CNN was just amazedby the conditions that Hamas' hostages were being held in, praising them for offering their terrified captives (who are certainly being tortured) things like shampoo.

CNN was sourcing their intel of the conditions from two elderly Israeli women that Hamas just released for the sake of optics. While both women claimed to the press to have been treated well, one needs to keep in mind that their husbands are still in Hamas custody, and badmouthing the terror group would guarantee their deaths. CNN doesn’t mention this obvious fact, of course, as it apparently didn’t strike them as odd a group that included Jewish genocide in its founding charter would care to treat its Jewish prisoners well. 

“Some things stand out in their… the mundane necessity, right?” CNN’s Erin Burnett said, as she bizarrely began humanizing Jihadists. “You’re talking about tunnels. We know these tunnels have ventilation, we know that they’ve been known to have air conditioning, this has all been reporting that we’ve heard from the Israelis over the years.”

“But the fact that she’s [one of the freed hostages]  saying she was held underground for more than two weeks, that there was shampoo, there was antibiotics, there was a guard-per-hostage in the experience she had, that there were medics and paramedics, and obviously she is elderly, the other woman who was released also elderly and had medical needs, and they had the medicine needed and, if not, something similar to replace it. It is pretty stunning,” she continued. 

“You’ve got to contrast that with what’s happening above the ground, right? There isn’t water, never mind shampoo, they don’t have water — they’re using toilet water — there is no morphine for any kind of amputations, antibiotics? No, right? But Hamas had stockpiled all of that and has all of that underground and that’s what we’re learning from her.” Why these "well-treated hostages" would need morphine also never crosses Burnett's mind. 

The media has had no trouble whatsoever in mindlessly amplifying Hamas propaganda. Just last week, within hours, a story transformed from “IDF rocket destroys hospital, killing 500,” to “Islamic Jihad rocket misfires and damages cars in parking lot in Gaza.” The initial bogus story led to riots at embassies in the Middle East. Despite that, the media still uncritically publishes death totals from Gaza’s Ministry of Health (which is Hamas) - and have even been fooled into thinking Hamas treats their captives like tourists. 

Matt Palumbo is the author of Fact-Checking the Fact-Checkers: How the Left Hijacked and Weaponized the Fact-Checking Industry and The Man Behind the Curtain: Inside the Secret Network of George Soros

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