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CNN Medical Analyst: "We Had To Invent" Covid Measures

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  • Source: Bongino
  • 06/05/2024
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CNN Medical Analyst Jonathan Reiner confirmed that he and the other so-called “experts” fabricated the totalitarian Covid rules during an interview with CNN host Dana Bush Monday. Reiner’s comments were in response to National Institute of Health Director Dr. Anthony Fauci admitting that he  “made up” Covid rules, such as masking and social distancing during a Congressional testimony in January which was publicly released on Monday. 

When asked about Fauci’s statements, Reiner said, “Yes… since Covid was a brand new novel virus, everything that was done had to be created from scratch.” 

“So, yes, we had to make up, you know, rules for masking,” he continued. “We had to invent ideas for how to separate people to prevent the transmission of this highly transmissible virus. So yes, everything was, quote, you know, ‘made up’ but only in the sort of with best of intentions in real-time.” 

There was no evidence that many of these arbitrary Covid rules would “prevent transmission,” however. During his January testimony, Fauci said he “was not aware of studies” that supported things like social distancing or masking kids. Contrary to what we were told, Covid measures were not backed by science. Instead, they were the whims of “experts” like Reiner and Fauci. 

Whether Reiner and Fauci had the “best of intentions” or not, people suffered and died because of their lies. Ineffective Lockdowns and social distancing measures led to increased rates of suicide, depression, and anxiety in adolescents. 

Fauci-condoned mask mandates weren’t just ineffective, they disrupted learning. As the Daily Mail reports, “Kids' learning loss and social setbacks have been well documented, with one National Institute of Health (NIH) study calling the impact of mask use on students' literacy and learning 'very negative.'”

Meanwhile, the government decimated the American economy by forcibly closing businesses because Fauci claimed we needed “two weeks to slow the spread.” Of course, those two weeks quickly turned into two years. 

Countless hospitals, corporations, the military, and universities implemented Covid shot mandates that did not prevent people from spreading or contracting the virus. Those who refused to take the experimental Covid shot and boosters were fired, dishonorably discharged, and expelled

Following the Fauci-created guidelines, many counties and cities made life for the unvaccinated as uncomfortable as possible, with some prohibiting them from dining in restaurants and going to the gym or entertainment venues. 

Covid irreversibly damaged America. Thanks to Fauci, people lost their livelihoods, and the education of an entire generation of children was stunted. Indeed, hundreds of thousands of students are still reportedly missing from school systems across the country to this day. 

Most importantly, the Fauci-contrived Covid hysteria and anti-science tyrannical Covid measures mark the greatest encroachment on personal freedom and bodily autonomy in the history of our country. 

Fauci said during a 2021 ​"​Face the Nation" interview that those who criticize him are “really criticizing science because I represent science.” By science, Fauci didn’t mean research and facts, he meant dogmas. Our country was irrevocably harmed by religious-like Covid doctrines, which we now know for certain were completely “invent[ed],” as Reiner put it, by Fauci and other “experts.” 

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