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DHS Secretary Mayorkas: On Second Thought, a Border Wall Would Help

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  • Source: Bongino
  • 10/05/2023
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Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas is finally admitting that a wall at the U.S.-Mexico border is needed to combat the historic surge in illegal immigration he simultaniously denies is a crisis.

According to Foxā€™s Adam Shaw:

Mayorkas is citing an "acute and immediate need" to waive dozens of federal laws to build a border wall in south Texas where illegal migration has surged.  It's a sharp contrast to dismissals of the use of such barriers in the early days of the administration.

The agency posted an announcement on the U.S. Federal Register that outlines construction in Starr County in the Rio Grande Valley Sector, where the administration says there is "high illegal entry." The agency says there have been over 245,000 migrant encounters in the sector this fiscal year.

Mayorkas says he is using his authority provided by Congress to waive 26 federal laws, including the Clean Air Act, Safe Drinking Water Act and Endangered Species Act.

"There is presently an acute and immediate need to construct physical barriers and roads in the vicinity of the border of the United States in order to prevent unlawful entries into the United States in the project areas pursuant to sections 102(a) and 102(b) of [the Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act of 1996]," Mayorkas said.

Of course, the Biden administration knew that a wall was needed this entire time, and was simply pretending otherwise to allow millions of illegals to flood into the country. If the plan was to flood red states, that quickly backfired when the likes of Texas and Florida began sending busloads of illegals to cities proclaiming themselves to be ā€œsanctuariesā€ for illegals - only to realize they got more than they bargained for. Itā€™s only now that blue cities are dealing with the consequences, and the border issue denting their polling, that the administration sees fit to actually do something about it. 

And weā€™ll have to wait and see if anything does materialize, as this is a complete 180 from prior policy. 

It was just this past August that we learned the Biden administration was quietly actioning off parts of the border wall to stunt reconstruction efforts. 

Last year Bidenā€™s former Border Security Chief Rodney Scott told Special Report that the U.S. was paying $5 million per day to *not* build the border wall; ā€œHe [Biden] clearly understands and knows how to control the border and what needs to take placeā€¦ For a while, it was almost five million a day between DoD and DHS to not build the border wall.ā€ That same year, Democrats sought nearly $1 billion for border security in the Middle East. 

Furthermore, aid sent to Ukraine in their war against Russia thus far could have paid for completing a full border wall four to five times over, depending on which estimate you look at.

The border was a fixable problem from day one, and instead, the Biden administration turned it into a crisis. They get no credit for stumbling upon common sense now, especially considering this is probably just a PR move regardless.  

Matt Palumbo is the author of Fact-Checking the Fact-Checkers: How the Left Hijacked and Weaponized the Fact-Checking Industry and The Man Behind the Curtain: Inside the Secret Network of George Soros

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