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Hunter Biden Whistleblower Contradicts AG Garland

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  • Source: Bongino
  • 06/28/2023
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Hunter Biden whistleblower Gary Shapley continued contradicting Attorney General Merrick Garland when speaking to CBS, and revealed more flaws in the investigation into Hunter.  

Shapley said he was repeatedly prevented from taking steps in the Hunter Biden investigation that would’ve been considered routine in any other. "We have to make sure as a special agent for IRS Criminal Investigation that we treat every single person exactly the same. And that just simply didn't happen here." His comments come after Hunter was offered a sweetheart plea deal in the tax and guns case against him that wouldn’t require any jail time.  

"Based on my experience, if this was a small business owner or any other non-connected individual, they would have been charged with felony counts," Shapley said.

In contradiction to AG Garland’s comments that U.S. Attorney David Weiss had “complete authority to make all decisions on his own” and required no permission from the DOJ to bring charges, Shapley said "I documented exactly what happened. And it doesn't seem to match what the attorney general or the U.S. attorney are saying today." Shapley said that after a meeting on October 7, 2022, he wrote to his supervisor "Weiss stated that he is not the deciding person on whether charges are filed.”

"There were really earth-shaking statements made by David Weiss that really brought to light some of my previous concerns. And the first one was that he is not the deciding person on whether or not charges are filed. It was just shocking to me,” Shapley said. 

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Matt Palumbo is the author of Fact-Checking the Fact-Checkers: How the Left Hijacked and Weaponized the Fact-Checking Industry and The Man Behind the Curtain: Inside the Secret Network of George Soros


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