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Jean-Pierre Responds to Concerns About Biden's Age and Stamina, Claims She Struggles to Keep Up With Him

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  • Source: Bongino
  • 08/31/2023
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While taking a break from having a fool made out of her by reporters in the White House briefing room, Karine Jean-Pierre made a fool out of herself while addressing the “age issue” with Joe Biden, the oldest sitting president.  

CNN’s Jake Tapper had brought up recent polling which found that 77% of Americans, including 89% of Republicans and 69% of Democrats, said that Biden is too old to be effective for a second term (compared to about half who say the same about Trump). “Joe Biden’s been in politics literally since before you were born. And, like, he’s aged as we all do. Is the White House worried that questions about President Biden’s stamina could ultimately impact whether or not voters will be able to support him for a second term?” he asked Jean-Pierre. 

In an attempt to calm the American public’s concerns, Jean-Pierre hilariously claimed that it’s actually been the Biden administration struggling to keep up with the president. “It is hard for us to keep up with this president, who is constantly, constantly working every day to get things done, and making sure that we’re delivering for the American people,” she told Tapper with a straight face. 

As of writing, Joe Biden has spent nearly 40% of his presidency on vacation, including nearly 75% of this August.

Matt Palumbo is the author of Fact-Checking the Fact-Checkers: How the Left Hijacked and Weaponized the Fact-Checking Industry and The Man Behind the Curtain: Inside the Secret Network of George Soros

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