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Judge Defends Releasing Woman Now Indicted for Murder

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  • Source: Bongino
  • 06/13/2024
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Ever wonder what the reaction is of a judge who lets a criminal out loose only for them to reoffend in the worst way imaginable?

Thanks to one recent tragedy we have an answer: complete and total apathy. 


Itā€™s been revealed that the woman charged with recently fatally stabbing a 3-year-old boy outside a supermarket, Bionca Ellis,  was released from custody days prior to the attack by a judge named Brian F Hagan. Ellis was in trouble at the time over a probation violation in a theft case, but a magistrate called for holding her for a mental health evaluation. Judge Hagan released Ellis, who also recently claimed to the police to have murdered someone, and then Ellis allegedly murdered a child and stabbed his mother three days later

And in response to the tragic news, Hagan is not only justifying his decision, but refusing to even pretend to care about the consequences of his decision. 

As Fox reported

A magistrate at Rocky River Municipal Court then referred her to a mental health evaluation following her behavior in the courtroom, but Judge Brian Hagan told Fox 8 the organization doing those had nobody available and Ellis would have had to sit in jail for days on a minor offense.

"Iā€™m confident in the way this court handled the matter," he also said. "We did it by the letter of the law. There was nothing there to send up the alarms." 


During court proceedings in Rocky River, the magistrate was wondering aloud if Ellis had fallen asleep.  "Ms. Ellis, can you hear me? Can you tell me, North Olmsted, is she falling asleep, or whatā€™s going on?" he reportedly said in audio obtained by Fox 8. "Can you acknowledge me, Ms. Ellis, please?" 

"I think we need to get a mental health evaluation. Letā€™s hold her for an evaluation," the magistrate then concluded. "Iā€™m not sure she fully understands the simple requirements that the court has imposed on her."

Surprisingly, a voter registration for a ā€œBrian F Haganā€ in Rocky River, Ohio, lists them registered as a Republican. If accurate, this could point to general incompetence being to blame in this case, as opposed to the sort of pro-criminal ideology weā€™ve seen sweeping throughout the legal system in recent years. 

Judge Hagan faces reelection in 2025 for the Rocky River Municipal Court.  

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Photos by Getty Images

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