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Maryland Governor: Trans Book Bans Are Castrating Children

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  • Source: Bongino
  • 06/19/2023
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Maryland Governor Wes Moore had an interesting word choice in describing so-called bans on books in public schools pushing racial hysteria, transgender mania, and other sexually charged topics as “castrating children.”

Moore said to MSNBC’s Jen Psaki; “I continue hearing people making the argument that they’re doing it because we want to prevent our students from having discomfort or guilt because we don’t want our students to be able to really wrestle with these really difficult things in times when they are maturing as individuals." 

Moore added, arguing that having certain non-age appropriate books in schools is “not about making kids feel uncomfortable,” and that the removal of these books was "about telling other kids that they shouldn’t understand their own power. It’s castrating them."

Watch below: 


The term “book ban” is just the latest phrase to lose all meaning thanks to the American political left. 

What these “book bans” really amount to is removing books from the curriculum. Curriculums are commonly updated, and given that the contents of many of these books aren’t even appropriate to be read aloud at the school board meetings of the boards that pushed them, removing them seems to be a wise choice. Throughout history, tens of millions of books have been published, and by the logic of those crying “book bans,” there are therefore tens of millions of “banned books” from public schools.  

So meaningless has the term “book ban” become that one can walk into a Barnes & Noble and find a “banned books” section. One is left to wonder what exactly the word “ban” means when the “banned” product is being offered for sale.

Welcome to 2023; where having educational standards is castration, and castration is “life saving medicine.”

Matt Palumbo is the author of Fact-Checking the Fact-Checkers: How the Left Hijacked and Weaponized the Fact-Checking Industry and The Man Behind the Curtain: Inside the Secret Network of George Soros


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