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MSNBC’s Joy Reid Defends Affirmative Action, Says It’s the “Only” Reason She Got Into Harvard

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  • Source: Bongino
  • 07/03/2023
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MSNBC host Joy Reid revealed in the wake of the SCOTUS striking down affirmative action in higher education that she believed affirmative action is the only reason she got into Harvard. 

"Well let me just be clear, I got into Harvard only because of affirmative action," Reid said to Chris Hayes. "I went to a school no one had ever heard of in Denver, Colorado, in a small suburb. I didn’t go to Exeter or Andover. I didn’t have college test prep. I just happened to be really nerdy and smart and have really good grades and good SAT scores."

Reid then argued that she didn’t take the spot of a more qualified applicant because she got dinner with a Harvard recruiter. "But someone came to Denver to look for me. A Harvard recruiter flew to Denver, and I met up with her at the Village Inn Restaurant and did a pre-interview to pull me into Harvard. I was pulled in — affirmatively!" This is obviously a nonsensical description of affirmative action, which does not involve universities going out fishing for missed talent like Reid describes. Much of the defense of affirmative action in the wake of the SCOTUS ending it has been to either obfuscate what affirmative action even is, or instead shift the discussion to the unfairness of legacy admissions.

Mere seconds after claiming to have only gotten into Harvard thanks to affirmative action, Reid then complained that while at Harvard there were white students who said she only got into Harvard thanks to affirmative action. "I was in a big conference class where some White students stood up and said, ‘Those students, the Black students, they’re only here because of affirmative action.’ It became a huge argument that we all ended up having," Reid said.

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Matt Palumbo is the author of Fact-Checking the Fact-Checkers: How the Left Hijacked and Weaponized the Fact-Checking Industry and The Man Behind the Curtain: Inside the Secret Network of George Soros
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