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New York Excludes White Male-Owned Businesses From $2.3 Billion In Public Contracts 

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  • Source: Bongino
  • 05/15/2024
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It appears the 1964 Civil Rights Act prohibiting employment discrimination based on skin color doesn’t apply to discrimination against white men in New York. Of the $19 billion estimated to be spent on renovations to New York’s JFK airport, $2.3 billion has been reserved for MWBEs — minority- and women-owned business enterprises. 

According to The Blaze, “The move is part of Democrat Gov. Kathy Hochul's goal of increasing state partnerships with MWBEs. Thus far, 680 MWBEs have been awarded contracts for the JFK renovation project.” 

In a video announcing the project, New York Assemblywoman Alicia Hyndman gushed over the bigoted plan, claiming it would support so-called representation. 


It’s unclear how the plan is legal, given that Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act prohibits employment discrimination based on skin color, among other things. More importantly, anyone with a moral compass knows that discriminating against businesses owned by people of a certain sex and skin tone is wrong.

Democrats don't care about morals, though. Indeed, the left thrives off of hatred. The term “white” is used by the left as a boogieman to unite against. Not only does anti-white hatred bring different minority groups together, but it also unifies all their favorite social issues. 

The left’s open borders policies are aimed at diluting the power of “problematic” white voters. According to the ACLU, pro-life attitudes are “rooted in white supremacy.” The climate change movement is wraped up in terms like “climate justice,” “climate reparations,” and “climate racism,” with all the blame for so-called climate change landing squarely on the shoulders of white men. And since they failed to dismantle capitalism via class strife, the left now pushes anti-capitalist attitudes by claiming the economic system is “white supremacist.” 

The left thrives off of the racial bigotry they claim to so fervently oppose. This isn’t just hypocritical, it’s dangerous. As B.L Hahn explains in The Federalist, it’s only a matter of time before the left’s unchecked racism and systemic discrimination against white people turns into violence. “If [Rank-and-file voters of the Democratic Party] continue to reward politicians for this repulsive and incendiary behavior,” writes Hahn, “widespread violence is inevitable. It’s just a matter of time.”

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