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Peter Doocy Grills John Kirby: "Why Should We Believe Anything This Administration Tells Us Ever Again?"

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  • Source: Bongino
  • 01/10/2024
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Peter Doocy grilled Peter Kirby about the mysterious hospitalization of Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin, who didn’t tell anyone where he was.

“Why should we believe anything that this administration tells us about anything ever again?” Doocy asked. 

“I think we all recognize, and I think the Pentagon has been very, very honest with themselves about, uh, the, um, the challenge to credibility by what has transpired here, and by what, and by, uh, uh, how hard it was for them to be fully transparent with the American people,” Kirby began his attempted damage control. “It’s up to you and your colleagues, and it’s up to the American people to determine, you know, how much they’re going to ascribe what happened here to our credibility on every single issue.”

“But if the administration is going to go to such great lengths to keep secrets about the Defense Secretary’s health, how can anybody be certain that the administration would not go to the same lengths to keep secret problems with President Biden’s health in the future?” Doocy fired back. 

“If, if you could logically argue — and you can’t — but if you could logically argue–” Kirby began to reply, to which Doocy interjected “He’s 81 years old!” 

Watch below:


Matt Palumbo is the author of Fact-Checking the Fact-Checkers: How the Left Hijacked and Weaponized the Fact-Checking Industry and The Man Behind the Curtain: Inside the Secret Network of George Soros

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