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Economic Data Shows Trump Boom vs. Biden Bust

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  • Source: Bongino
  • 08/18/2023
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During a recent interview with Donald Trump, host Larry Kudlow ran the numbers on the Trump economy vs. the Joe Biden economy, and it was no contest.  

Kudlow began by reading the score on inflation, which was up 6% cumulatively during the first thirty months of the Trump presidency, compared to a whopping 17% during Bidenā€™s. Groceries specifically were up only 2% during that time period on Trumpā€™s watch, compared to 20% under Bidenā€™s, and gas prices were $2.39 under Trump vs. $3.87 under Biden. Trump noted that the 1.9% inflation under his presidency was in line with the Federal Reserve's 2% target rate of inflation, calling it a "perfect number."  

On job creation, Kudlow highlighted 4.9 million jobs created during Trumpā€™s first 30 months, versus only 2.1 million during Bidenā€™s (nearly all of which were recovered pandemic job losses), and far more were in manufacturing under Trump. ā€œ[Biden] says heā€™s created 800k manufacturing jobs. No one can find them,ā€ Kudlow commented. 

Watch below:


Gallupā€™s most recent polling showed economic optimism ticking up - while still remaining near historic lows. On Gallupā€™s Economic Confidence Index, which has a range from -100 (being the worst)  to +100 (being the best), Republicans rate economic conditions at a -65, while Independents rate it at -35. Even Democrats have rated the Biden economy net negative during multiple months of the year, and it only had a +5 rating among them as of June. 

Matt Palumbo is the author of Fact-Checking the Fact-Checkers: How the Left Hijacked and Weaponized the Fact-Checking Industry and The Man Behind the Curtain: Inside the Secret Network of George Soros


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