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Tulsi Gabbard Announces She's Joining GOP at Trump Rally

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  • Source: Bongino
  • 10/23/2024
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Former Democrat Hawaii Representative turned-Independent Tulsi Gabbard announced that she would be joining the Republican Party while speaking at a rally for Donald Trump Jr.

As the NY Post reported:

“The Democrat Party has no home for people like us, but we do have a home in the Republican Party — where we are welcomed with open arms by President Trump and so many of you who love our country,” Gabbard, who switched to independent in 2022, told the crowd at Trump’s Tuesday night rally in Greensboro, NC.

“And it is because of my love for our country and specifically because of the leadership that President Trump has brought to transform the Republican Party and bring it back to the party of the people, and the party of peace, that I’m proud to stand here with you today, with President Trump, and announce that I’m joining the Republican Party,” the 43-year-old declared.

“You know, I was a Democrat for over 20 years. Today’s Democrat Party is completely unrecognizable, which points to the clear choice that we have in this Election Day,” continued Gabbard, who is a member of Trump’s transition team.

​​“When you look at the party of Kamala Harris, for example, she is anti-freedom. She is pro-censorship, she is pro-open borders and she is pro-war without even pretending to care about peace.”

Watch below:


Even when a member of the House, Gabbard had a reputation of being a more centrist-Democrat. Running for office anywhere in Hawaii practically required one to be registered as a Democrat regardless of their actual ideology. Consider the fact that the Hawaii senate only has two Republicans in it - and recently had only one. 

This marks the second Trump-opponent outside of the GOP to endorse him; Gabbard ran against Trump while campaigning in the 2020 Democrat primary, while RFK Jr. literally ran against him this election cycle. 

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