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VP Harris “Scared as Heck” About Potential Trump 2024 Win

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  • Source: Bongino
  • 01/18/2024
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As if the endless barrage of lawsuits weren’t evidence enough, the establishment truly is terrified of Donald Trump taking back the White House in 2024, and they’re admitting it.

While appearing on The View, Vice President Kamala Harris, who has a lower approval net rating that Dick Cheney after he shot someone, was asked about reports that top Democrats including Barack Obama and Rep. James Clyburn are concerned about Biden’s reelection campaign, and the prospect of another Trump presidency.

Harris admitted in response “I am scared as heck!” adding “Which is why I’m traveling our country. You know, there’s an old saying that there’s only two ways to run for office — either without an opponent or scared. So on all of those points, yes, we should all be scared.” 

She then admitted that the Biden campaign planned on exploiting this “fear” on the campaign trail; “When we are scared for the future of our children, do we then stay in bed with the covers over?” she said. “No, we can’t…. We’ve got to earn reelection. There is no question. We’ve got to be on the road.”

Watch below:


In the RealClearPolitics average of polls, Trump leads Biden by 1.6 points. Only Economist/YouGov and Quinnipiac have Biden leading Trump, both of which have him leading by 1 point. 

Matt Palumbo is the author of Fact-Checking the Fact-Checkers: How the Left Hijacked and Weaponized the Fact-Checking Industry and The Man Behind the Curtain: Inside the Secret Network of George Soros

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