When it comes to shutdowns being weaponized against President Trump, there’s more of a bipartisan consensus than you’d think.
American voters are almost evenly split between party affiliation, with about 31% identifying as Democrats and 28% as Republicans according to the latest data from Gallup. Historically self-identified affiliation has usually trended +/- one or two percentage points from where they are today.
In that context it’s fascinating to learn that two-thirds of voters believe that the media wants coronavirus shutdowns to continue dragging on solely to hurt President Donald Trump. In light of what we know about party affiliation, two-thirds agreement indicates that all Republicans – and presumably most Independents, or even a chunk of Democrats, believe as much.
According to CNS News:
A new survey shows that 59.8% of likely voters, liberal and conservative, believe that “some members of the media” would like to see the coronavirus shutdown drag on so that “it hurts” President Donald Trump’s chances of reelection in November.
“This is just more evidence of how at odds the American liberal media are with the American public,” said Media Research Center (MRC) President Brent Bozell. “Honest journalism has been replaced with leftist advocacy. Even in these divisive times, both conservatives and liberals can agree on one thing: the media have it out for President Trump.”
In the survey, which was commissioned by the MRC in coordination with McLaughlin & Associates, 1,000 likely voters were asked: “Do you believe there are some members of the media that would like to see this shutdown drag on as long as possible so that it hurts President Trump’s chances in November?”
Of the 1,000 total respondents, 59.8% said yes and 30.6% said no. Another 9.6% said they did not know or refused to answer.
While the poll didn’t break down results by party affiliation, they did by ideology, and found that 41.3% of liberals were in agreement (compared to 48.6% who disagreed, and 10% who didn’t know or refused to answer).