No one may have any clue how we’re going to pay for the $2 trillion coronavirus relief bill that was just passed, but it sure is popular regardless, even despite the widely publicized pork that made its way in the bill.
According to the latest from Rasmussen Reports:
Voters are fine with the $2.2 trillion relief package passed by Congress in response to the coronavirus, even though they suspect it’s packed with goodies for political allies. They also think more taxpayer-funded help will be needed in the days ahead.
The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that 83% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of the aid package. Only 10% disapprove.
And speaking of the public’s belief that more spending is coming, President Trump tweeted this morning that now is a perfect time to spend big on infrastructure because interest rates are at zero.
As for the pork in the initial bill, the commonly cited examples such as the $25 million spent on the Kennedy Center are actually mild. In total there is $12 billion in pork in the bill – a figure that can only appear small relative to $2 trillion in total spending. And believe it or not, it was almost worse. Republicans were largely successful in stopping Democrats from packing even more pork into the legislation, and blocked more than $20 billion in other wasteful spending from entering the bill.