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Forty-One Percent of New Yorkers Say They’ll Be “Forced” to Leave City, Say it’s too Expensive

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A new Quinnipiac poll has found that more than a third of all New York City residents say they cannot afford to live anywhere in the state, and many say they will be forced to flee the region within five years, according to the New York Post.

Forty-one percent of city residents say they cannot cope with the city’s high cost of living and another 41 percent say they will be “forced” to flee the region within five years.

“They are making this city a city for the wealthy, and they are really choking out the middle class,’’  New Yorker Ari Buitron told the Post.

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“A lot of my friends have had to move to Florida, Texas, Oregon. You go to your local shop, and it’s $5 for a gallon of milk and $13 for shampoo. Do you know how much a one-bedroom, one-bathroom apartment is? $1700! What’s wrong with this picture

Native New Yorker, Dexter Benjamin told the Post, “I am definitely not going to be here five years from now. I will probably move to Florida or Texas where most of my family has moved.”

For the full report, click HERE.

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