I couldn’t help but chuckle the other night when I came across a tweet from the left-wing website Vox asking “Did you know: Impeachment by the House won’t remove Trump from Office?” Who exactly was their target audience for the article – someone who hadn’t taken a fifth grade civics course? Apparently not, as Vox’s co-founder Matthew Ylgesias says the site’s target audience is “graduates of or students at selective colleges” – which truly is a bleak indictment of our institutions of higher learning in that case.
As it turns out, they do know their audience well. As President Donald Trump literally rallied on through the House’s impeachment vote, no shortage of liberals seriously thought that Trump was just removed from office.
to all the trolls in my mentions rn #GOODBYETRUMP pic.twitter.com/tBJN4kJQUh
— reilly (@uhreills) December 19, 2019
Can today be a world holiday? #ImpeachmentDay #goodbyeTrump
— Tesh Khilwani (@hkhilwani) December 19, 2019
My Donald Trump #IMPEACHMENTVOTE celebration dance. #Impeached pic.twitter.com/qwErmE6c33
— Angela Belcamino (@AngelaBelcamino) December 19, 2019
Awe. Thoughts & prayers you fat toddler! My thoughts and prayers were answered when you got impeached. I’m currently waiting for my prayers to be answered when you got to prison! #GoodbyeTrump
— zachary dent (@BroadwayZachD) December 19, 2019
We The People of The United States of America have spoken through our elected officials. #TrumpImpeachment #CountryOverParty #GoodbyeTrump
— Dadski (@wallykski) December 19, 2019
Guess what? Trumps FIRED!!#GoodbyeTrump
— Jennifer Eastep (@JenniferEastep1) December 19, 2019
Lol imagine being impeached #embarrassing #GoodbyeTrump pic.twitter.com/XdT06ODu0Z
— Victoria Disanto (@victoriadisanto) December 19, 2019
OH BUT IT DID….#TrumpImpeachment #ImpeachmentDay #GoodbyeTrump pic.twitter.com/HGxEGEXEGT
— Tyler Dilbeck (@tyldil204) December 19, 2019
One leftist hero came to the rescue to defend his fellow knownothings, and dismissed expecting people to know how the government works as being both classist and elistist.
Stop criticizing people for not understanding all of the nuances of impeachment and removal, it’s classist and elitist.
It’s good that people are politically engaged, and important we teach other. #Impeached45 #Impeached pic.twitter.com/R2rZx49E6b
— Frederick Joseph (@FredTJoseph) December 19, 2019
I’m not sure the problem is “class” in that case, so much as it is a problem of not paying attention in middle school.