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Americans Are Buying Less Coca-Cola Following Stance Against Georgia Election Law

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  • Source: Dan Bongino
  • 06/11/2022
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A new poll shows that many consumers have stopped buying Coca-cola products in response to the company coming out against Georgia’s new election integrity law.

From NewsBusters:

Rasmussen Reports released a survey of 1,000 American adults showing that 37 percent of Americans were less likely to purchase Coca-Cola products. Rasmussen said that the results were due to the company’s liberal political stance against Georgia’s recent law protecting voter integrity. In addition, the survey found that Americans opposed major businesses attempting to influence politics “[b]y more than a 3-to-1 margin.” Perhaps Coca-Cola and others should learn that leftist virtue-signaling doesn’t necessarily pay dividends.

But if Coca-Cola thought it could make up for the lost business by gaining more loyal customers that oppose the new law, the poll shows the company doesn’t have enough support to make up the difference:

However, as Rasmussen pointed out, “[d]espite claims that Georgia’s election-integrity law discriminates against minorities, there was not much racial variation in opinions of Coca-Cola.” Specifically, “[O]nly 23% of blacks said the company’s stand against the Georgia law made them more likely to buy Coke products – little different from 25% of whites and other minorities.”

Coca-Cola was just one of several companies that came out in opposition to the Georgia law, being joined by Delta Airlines and Major League Baseball in their opposition.

Of course, MLB took things a step further than other companies by moving the league’s annual All-Star game that was slated to be played in Atlanta to Denver, Colorado.

But while MLB was trying to send a message with the move, the reality is that moving the game will damage many of the Atlanta area’s small businesses that are currently trying to bounce back from the economic lockdowns imposed in response to the pandemic.

“A lot of these were minority-owned businesses that were really looking forward [to] and desperately needed this kind of revenue in stream,” said Job Creators Network CEO Alfredo Ortiz of the move. “And all because, quite frankly, there was a misinterpretation or misunderstanding or, quite frankly, just an outright lie of the law that was passed here in Georgia on voting rights.”

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