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Americans Overwhelmingly Back Israel Over Palestine: Poll

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  • Source: Dan Bongino
  • 06/11/2022
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While some factions of the far-left have attempted in recent weeks to undermine America’s support for longtime ally Israel, new polling reveals that American voters still overwhelmingly side with the Jewish state.

From Fox News:

By a 56-38 percent margin, voters approve of providing the Israeli government with financial aid for its military, and are almost as supportive on selling weapons to Israel (51 percent favor, 44 percent oppose).

Americans are more likely to side with Israel in the conflict in general, though there is some partisan divide on the question:

In general, 59 percent of voters say they side more with the Israelis, while 24 percent sympathize with the Palestinians.

Among Republicans, 78 percent back the Israelis and 10 percent the Palestinians.  Democrats divide more evenly:  42 percent side with the Israelis and 35 percent the Palestinians.

Republicans are also much more inclined than Democrats to favor both giving financial aid to Israel (71 percent vs. 47 percent respectively) and selling it weapons (67 percent vs. 42 percent).

While President Joe Biden has at least paid lip service to standing by Israel, the poll revealed that Americans are losing patience with the president’s foreign policy. At the same time, Americans are seemingly happy with his overall job performance:

More voters disapprove (52 percent) than approve (43 percent) of the job President Biden is doing handling foreign policy generally.

For his overall performance as president, Biden receives positive ratings:  54 percent approve vs. 42 percent disapprove.

Biden has seen his foreign policy approval rating slip drastically since the start of the conflict in Gaza. Just last month, 42% of voters approved of his foreign policy compared to 41% who did not.

The poll was conducted between May 22-25, just days after Israel and Hamas agreed to a ceasefire. It sampled 1,003 registered voters and has a margin of error of plus or minus three percentage points.

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