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Amy Coney Barrett Confirmation Hearing Kicks Off – Here’s What You Missed

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  • Source: Dan Bongino
  • 06/11/2022
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The Amy Coney Barrett confirmation hearings kicked off today, and Democrats wasted no time in wasting the American public’s time.

After hours of listening, it was easy to forgot what the point of the hearing even was. Democrats droned on about the coronavirus and ObamaCare, but there was little to be said about ACB and her qualifications.

Ted Cruz couldn’t help but point out that obvious; that Democrats were avoiding talking about ACB’s qualifications because there’s no question that she’s qualified. They have no argument on that front, so they’ve resorted to political theater as they usually do (in this case, without so much as a high school yearbook to comb through!)

Joe Biden advised Democrats not to attack ACB’s Catholic faith today, and it’s sad that such common sense is something they needed to hear. But it’s also something that they had already done in the past – and the only reason for them to lay off such attacks now is for optics.

Senators John Cornyn and Josh Hawley slammed the anti-Catholic bigotry of Democrats, the media, and Kamala Harris.

Senator Grassley reminded the American public that there’s no low that Democrats won’t sink to in their “crusades” to smear Republican SCOTUS nominees, citing the Kavanaugh circus.

Meanwhile, Kamala Harris, who won’t give a straight answer if she wants to pack the Supreme Court, complained that the hearing is “illegitimate.”

Lindsey Graham pointed out that ACB was confirmed to the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals in a bipartisan vote, which CBS News attempted to fact check by forgetting what the word “bipartisan” means.

And after hours of political posturing, Amy Coney Barrett gave her opening statement, which was the only part of the hearing actually worth listening to.

Stay tuned for day two.

Photos by Getty Images

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