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Another Mueller Leak? Two of Trump’s Alleged Answers to Special Counsel Revealed

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  • Source: Dan Bongino
  • 06/11/2022
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It seems the Mueller team leaks just keep coming.

Yesterday, we saw the strategic leak in The Guardian about former Trump campaign official Paul Manafort allegedly meeting with Julian Assange–which has quickly unraveled.

Today, two of President Trump’s alleged answers for Special Counsel Robert Mueller have leaked to none other than the Clinton News Network.

According to CNN, President Trump told Mueller that Roger Stone never discussed Wikileaks with him and that he was not told about the infamous June 2016 Trump Tower meeting between his son, Donald Trump Jr. and Russian Natalia Veselnitskaya (who–by the way–just happens to have connections to Fusion GPS, the firm that was hired by the DNC to create the infamous, unverified, salacious anti-Trump dossier).

Roger Stone told CNN, “I never discussed any of this with Donald Trump.  It’s one of the questions that Mr. Mueller wants the President to answer — one of the written questions. I’m highly confident that his answer will be that he knew nothing about it. We just never discussed it.”

Trump submitted his answers to Mueller’s questions last week, which all relate to “activities and episodes from before Trump’s election.” His attorney, Rudy Giuliani, cautioned that some of the Special Counsels inquiries could have been “traps.”

“There are some that create more issues for us legally than others,” Giuliani said, calling some of the questions “unnecessary,” and “possible traps.” “We might consider some as irrelevant,” he said.

Photos by Getty Images

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