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AOC Pushes Nuance On Biden Allegations, But Struck the Exact Opposite Tone on Kavanaugh

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In an interview with NPR, DSA Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC) said the sexual assault allegations against presumptive Democrat nominee Joe Biden arenā€™t clear, but ā€œ[i]t certainly seems as though something has happened. Iā€™m not sure. Frankly, this is a messy moment, and I think we need to acknowledge that-that it is not clear-cut.ā€

AOC added that politics seems to be on peoplesā€™ minds more than Biden accuser Tara Readeā€™s story, and that it ā€œdenies justiceā€ to her, according to the Daily Caller.

ā€œInstead of focusing on her account, instead of focusing on her story as a survivor, people are fast forwarding to the political implications,ā€ she told NPR. ā€œIf anything, it sounds like she simply wants to be heardā€¦It seems as though she does not feel sheā€™s been heard yet.ā€

The Daily Caller further states that while Reade thanked her for her statements, AOC still ā€œhad to toe the lineā€ and support Biden.

While nuance may be a good idea when hearing any allegations, the tone of people like AOC was the exact opposite during the confirmation hearings for now-Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh, even though itā€™s inarguable that Kavanaughā€™s accusers had substantially less evidence than Reade does.

What changed, besides from the party of the person accused? Nothing.

Leftists are not serious people. Theyā€™ll do whatever they can, including abandon any so-called principles they claim to have, to gain power and control. Never forget it.


Photos by Getty Images

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