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AOC Quotes a Nazi Sympathizer – And Other Gaffes This Week

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Yet another month is off to a gaffetastic start for Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.

Last month she managed to illicit a condemnation from the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum (and countless others) after attempting to compare detention facilities at the U.S.-Mexico border to the concentration camps used in the Holocaust. Could anything be more trivializing to the victims of death camps than to compare them to camps that illegal aliens voluntarily wind up in while attempting to exploit the U.S. asylum system?

Last month she was condemning the Nazis – and less than a week into this month she’s (accidentally) quoting them. After Donald Trump compared AOC to Evita Perón, AOC decided to turn that into a compliment, and post a quote from Perón that echos her own socialist ideology.

I’ll assume that AOC is ignorant of the fact that Perón helped Nazis flee Europe at the end of WWII to find haven in Argentina. As compensation for her services she accepted the confiscated possessions of Jews from Nazis.

I can’t express presumption of ignorance to AOC’s chief of staff Saikat Chakrabarti, who owns and wears a t-shirt that depicts Subhas Chanda Bose. Bose was an Indian anti-colonialist activist who resisted British occupation – and “fancied himself as a world leader like Hitler and Mussolini.” Bose personally gifted Mussolini a book that he wrote advocating for fascism, and had met with and cozied up to Hitler.

I guess they’re OK with Nazis so long as they help put the “socialism” in “national socialism”? Who knows.

The Patriarchy is Intersectional

In a stunning development, we “learned” from AOC this week that the “patriarchy,” a social system defined as “a system of society or government in which men hold the power and women are largely excluded from it” has loosened their membership requirements. The comment came after Fox News’ Lisa Boothe criticized a comment of AOC’s calling Kellyanne Conway sexist, pointing out the obvious flaw in claiming that a woman is sexist against another women.

“The patriarchy has no gender” AOC quote in response.

Who knew that the patriarchy was trans-inclusive?

Mockery aside, the very definition of the word AOC is attempting to “educate” Boothe on proves her wrong.

AOC’s comment should come as another reminder that when leftists talk about “listening to women” or “centering marginalized voices,” their comments roughly translate to “centering the voices of those who agree with us.”

The Work Conspiracy

AOC believes that she’s been purposefully assigned to the busiest committees and subcommittees in an effort to “keep her busy.” “I was assigned to some of the busiest committees and four subcommittees. So my hands are full. And sometimes I wonder if they’re trying to keep me busy,” said the socialist who doesn’t want to work.

I’m sure she’s just flattering herself – because for her theory to make sense, she would have to posses actual influence.

Her busy schedule is indeed saving her embarrassment. When her “Green New Deal” was put up for a vote to the Senate earlier this year, 57 voted against it, and 43 Democrats abstained from voting. AOC later attempted to save face by lying and stating that they voted present because she told them too.

What will she come out with next week? Stay tuned to find out.

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