Following a grilling that went viral last week, the Associated Press’s Matt Lee once against held the State Department’s Ned Price’s feet to the fire.
On Friday the Biden administration granted sanctions relief to Iran’s atomic program as talks aimed at salvaging the 2015 nuclear deal continued. In response to a question before Lee’s, Price tried to downplay the obvious benefit to Iran from this sanctions relief. “Ned, are you saying that that long list of things that you said that these waivers give. You’re saying that there’s no benefit to Iran in any of that?” Lee asked, pointing out the absurdity.
Price replied, “I am saying that the net benefit of this is a nonproliferation goal for us.” Lee pressed again, “Iran gets nothing out of it?”
“Matt, you don’t need to raise your voice,” Price replied.
Watch the full exchange below:
Matt Palumbo is the author of The Man Behind the Curtain: Inside the Secret Network of George Soros
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