
Legal Experts Say NY AG’s Attempt to Dissolve NRA Will Likely Fail
Who would’ve ever thought that we’d see a world where Leftists are defending the NRA? Read More.
Ep. 1324 Another Day, Another Media Hoax
In this episode, I debunk the latest liberal media hoax about President Trump’s “war on the Post Office.” I also discuss the biggest fish yet to be prosecuted in the Spygate probe. Finally, I address my visit to NJ and NC to support business owners under attack. Read More.
Ep. 1323 Patriots Unite!
In this episode, I interview two business owners who’ve come under attack for trying to feed their families during the coronavirus crisis. I also get a tattoo and I get a workout in. You’ll have to watch and listen Read More.
Former Obama Speechwriter Ridicules Media for Saying Kamala Harris Is “Moderate”
Favreau pointed out what we all know to be obvious—that Harris is a real radical Leftist. Read More.
Ep. 1322 Get Woke, Go Mentally Broke
In this episode, I address the stunning announcement by the Harris-Biden ticket yesterday. I also discuss the worst incident of media bias I’ve seen in a long time. Finally, I address “woke” culture and the backwards logic behind it. Read More.
DOJ Seizes Millions in Cryptocurrency From Major Terror Groups
These funds may be directed to the United States Victims of State Sponsored Terrorism Fund, which directly compensates for American victims of terrorist attacks. Read More.
With Kamala as Biden’s VP Pick, the Democrat Ticket is Now for Gun Confiscation
Any notion that Biden is somewhat moderate should obviously be discarded. Read More.
Ep.1321 Lies, and the Liars who Lie About the Lies
In this episode, I address the wave of stupidity coming out of the mouths and social media feeds of Hollywood celebrities. I also address and debunk the series of ridiculous lies Kamala Harris recited during her speech yesterday. Read More.

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