
Tom Cotton Introduces Bill to Cut Funds to Schools That Teach “1619 Project”
Taxpayers should not have to fund projects that, by definition, are meant to denigrate them as Americans. Read More.
Ep. 1305 Explosive New Revelations Emerge About the Plot Against Trump
In this episode, I address the explosive new revelations about the plot to take down the Trump campaign and the Trump presidency. I also address the continued misinformation campaign designed to keep your children out of school and damage their futures. Read More.
Trump Finally Ends Obama-Era Suburb Rules
The AFFH rule was nothing less than a shakedown of the suburbs by the far-Left. Read More.
New York Caves On Green Light Law, Will Cooperate With Federal Law Enforcement On DMV Records
This is a great development to restoring law and order when our nation needs it more than any time in recent memory. Read More.
Ep. 1304 The Most Important Show I’ve Done in a While
In this episode, I address the bold decision by President Trump yesterday which could change the election. I also address stunning new data about the real risks, or lack thereof, to teachers from children returning to school. I also address Joe Biden’s devastating plan for the suburbs. Read More.
Pompeo Calls For Coalition to Counter Chinese Power
China is nothing less than a malicious enemy of the West. Read More.
Ep. 1303 The Disaster Ahead If We Lose This Election
In this episode, I address the Democrats’ increasingly hostile attacks on law and order and the role of big donors such as George Soros in the funding of anti-law and order candidates. I also address the 10 disasters coming our way if the Democrats win the Senate and force through their agenda. Read More.
McEnany Cites Specific Laws Justifying Constitutionality of Feds Acting In Portland
No country can possibly survive if insurrection is tolerated. Read More.

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