
Ep. 1266 Something Deeply Troubling Is Going On, Be Warned
In this episode I address a deeply troubling tip I received about the Swamp, and their ongoing battle against President Trump. I also address the disastrous Rod Rosenstein hearing on Capitol Hill, and the total collapse of the collusion hoax. Finally, I address the new movement to kneel before others to virtue signal. Read More.
Leftists Hysterical Over Tom Cotton’s “Send in the Troops” NY Times Op-Ed
Apparently they think he’s worse than Duranty or the Taliban Read More.
Hundreds of NYC Rioters and Looters Freed Due to Bail Reform
Another great Democrat policy - for criminals. Read More.
Ep. 1265 My Apologies
In this episode I address the exploding controversy over this action by President Trump. I discuss the new revelations in the Mike Flynn case which will rock your core. I also address my appearance on Hannity last night and I explain what happened. Read More.
Biden Plans to Attend George Floyd Funeral
As Mark Levin asks; is this also a photo-op? Read More.
Ep. 1264 Trump Takes Back the Street
In this episode I address the organized ANTIFA insurrection against the United States. I also address the latest attempt by the tech tyrants to destroy conservatives and the President. Read More.
Susan Rice Claims Russians Behind Nationwide Riots
At least she didn't blame a YouTube video this time.  Read More.

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