
Ep. 1246 The Destruction And Redemption of General Flynn
In this episode I address the bombshell revelations in the General Mike Flynn case. Read More.
Interview With Dave Rubin: “Don’t Burn This Book”
Dave Rubin discusses his new book on the battle of ideas. Read More.
BREAKING: DOJ Drops Charges Against General Flynn
Now bring justice for the perpetrators. Read More.
Cuomo Is Just the Worst: Now He Wants to Tax Coronavirus Volunteers
A great idea to ensure no one ever helps New York again. Read More.
Ep. 1245 Lying Adam Schiff Is Exposed And He’s Panicking
In this episode I address the explosive new documents, which have sleazy Adam Schiff in a full panic. I also address the latest reason the Democrats are giving for bankrupting America and keeping it closed. Read More.
Ep. 1244 Don’t Let These Patriots Dance Alone
In this episode I address the disgraceful arrest and prosecution of a Texas business owner for opening her business and trying to feed her kids. I also address the disturbing story of the takedown of General Mike Flynn and I produce all of the evidence you need to conclude that the government has failed us. Finally, I play a terrific new campaign ad by the Trump team. Read More.
Ep. 1243 We Have the Evidence, The Coverup Continues
In this episode I address the disturbing effects of the continued economic lockdowns and I interview a business owner who was pulled out of his business in handcuffs for trying to work. I also discuss explosive developments in the General Mike Flynn case. Finally, I address the controversy brewing over the origins of the Wuhan Virus. Read More.

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