
CNN is Really Upset With This Trump Campaign Ad
It sure would be a shame if everyone went and watched it. Read More.
Ep. 1242 Tyranny is Everywhere
In this episode I address the fight against the unconstitutional lockdowns, and why it matters to you. I also address troubling new information about the plot to take down General Mike Flynn. Finally, I address the latest on the Joe Biden scandal. Read More.
DHS Report Reveals China Did More Than Just Cover Up the Coronavirus
Here's what they were doing while they left the rest of the world in the dark. Read More.
Ep. 1241 Interview With President Trump
In this episode I interview President Donald J. Trump. I also discuss the troubling new revelations in the witch hunt of General Mike Flynn. Read More.
Ep. 1240 It’s Worse Than We Thought
In this episode I address the astonishing new revelations in the FBI targeting scandal of General Mike Flynn. I also address the cowardice on the left, and their failure to address this grotesque violation of civil liberties. Read More.
After Flynn Documents Release, Justice Must Come For the Deep State
Justice must be blind, or there is no justice at all. Read More.
Michigan Gov Ended Elective Procedures, But Not Abortion
This article is reprinted with permission from The National Pulse By: Matthew Wearp In Michigan, Governor Gretchen Whitmer instituted some of the harshest and strongest measures of any state in an attempt to slow the spread of coronavirus. From prohibiting public gatherings of any size, banning visits to friends and relatives, to requiring stores to close off entire sections […] Read More.
Democrats No Longer “Believing All Women”
They won't even believe Tara Reade - a fellow Democrat. Read More.

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