
Ep. 1217 We Need an Immediate Exit Strategy
In this episode, I address the brewing plot by Nancy Pelosi to attack the Trump administration in the middle of a crisis. I also address the exit strategy from this economic shutdown that must be implemented immediately. Finally, I address the latest Moscow Maddow meltdown. Read More.
Gov. Cuomo Flip-Flops Solely to Contradict Trump
I’d love for President Donald Trump to simply declare that “2+2=4,” because you know there’s someone out there in the media that would actually try to dispute it. There’s no shortage of examples of the media reversing on prior reporting simply because Trump said something in agreement with it, and during a global pandemic, New […] Read More.
Ep. 1216 What Winning this Fight Looks Like
In this episode, I discuss what the media, and Pelosi, are trying to hide from you about the Wuhan virus. I also address what winning in this fight looks like on the other side. I address the latest troubling communications to emerge in the Spygate case which should put to bed liberal myths about the case. Read More.
Ep. 1215 Panic Merchants and Hysteria Traders are Everywhere
In this episode, I address the hidden pork in the “stimulus” bill which will infuriate you. I also address a real plan going forward which would save our economy and our children’s prosperity. I discuss the media panic merchants and their latest lies and distortions designed to spread hysteria. Read More.
Ep. 1214 What Really Happened Last Night
In this episode, I address the backlash brewing over the faulty “modeling” used to shutdown the country’s economy. You’re not going to believe the about-face going on. I also address the trouble hidden inside the “stimulus” bill that passed in the Senate last night. Read More.
Ep. 1213 At Last, Some Good News
In this episode, I address an explosive article in the Wall Street Journal about the Wuhan Virus which questions everything. I also address the continued misinformation and hysteria campaigns being waged by the liberal media. Finally I discuss a critical Supreme Court ruling on racial discrimination and a disastrous decision by the Democrat Nevada Governor. Read More.
Nevada Governor Prematurely Bans Use of Anti-Malaria Drugs as Coronavirus Treatment
Trump Derangement Syndrome may actually end up costing lives.  Read More.
Ep. 1212 It’s Official, Trump has Broken the Useless Media
In this episode, I address the worst fake news story yet, as the media continues to promote insanity and hysteria. I also address the ridiculous pork Pelosi tried to insert in the Wuhan Virus Bill. Read More.
Ep. 1211 It’s Time for a Difficult Conversation
In this episode, I debunk the media hysteria and lying about the crisis and the panic it is causing. I also address a troubling tweet by a college professor concerned about “right-wing” websites. Finally, I discuss positive news about this key swing state and the 2020 election. Read More.
Ep. 1210 The Leadership We Need Right Now
In this episode, I address new data from Italy which paints a much different picture about the virus crisis. I discuss some likely permanent changes to our country after we clear this crisis. I also address the suspicious reemergence of the Obama “fixer.” Read More.

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