
After Dem’s Sham Impeachment Push, a RECORD Number of Republicans to Run for Congress, Senate
A record number of Republicans are running for Congress and Senate in 2020, according to federal filings exclusively obtained by Fox News. “In 2019 alone, 781 Republicans filed federal paperwork to run for the House, the most ever recorded in an odd year at the Federal Election Commission. That’s up from 593 GOP candidates in […] Read More.
Ep. 1185 Another Disastrous Night for the Hapless Dems
In this episode, I address the disastrous Democrat debate last night where the candidates were exposed as the frauds they are. I also address the extremely shady connections this former DOJ attorney has to many of the players in multiple anti-Trump hoaxes. Finally, I debunk another media-driven myth about the Trump administration’s pardons. Read More.
Obama Pardoned 60X as Many People as Trump – Where Was the Media Outrage?
Earlier this week President Donald Trump announced he’d be granting clemency to eleven individuals, one of whom was former Rod Blagojevich, the former Illinois Governor caught trying to sell Barack Obama’s Senate seat. Right on cue the media blasted the commutation of Blagojevich – which they used as the lede to argue that Trump has […] Read More.
Trump Arizona Rally: 18% of Attendees Were Democrats – 26% Didn’t Vote in 2016
Last night President Donald Trump held a rally in Phoenix, Arizona to compete with the Las Vegas Democrat Debate – though ironically the debate was such a train-wreck he practically ended up the winner of it. Trump’s campaign manager Brad Parscale has made a habit out of collecting data on the attendees at Trump’s rallies, […] Read More.
Top Dem Rep Downplays Trump Economy: “We Were Fully Employed During Slavery”
House Majority Whip James Clyburn (D-SC) downplayed President Trump’s economic successes among the African American community, claiming black people were “fully employed during slavery.” Speaking to Fox News host Neil Cavuto yesterday, Clyburn said he would back whoever the Democratic nominee is when asked if he would support former New York City mayor Mike Bloomberg. […] Read More.
Hillary Clinton Responds to Rumor She’d Be Bloomberg’s VP
Last Saturday, in what was likely a strategic attempt to garner headlines and relevancy on a Saturday afternoon when there was no other substantive news for major networks to report, the Drudge Report dropped a “bombshell” that Michael Bloomberg was considering none other than Hillary Clinton as his Vice Presidential candidate. Over at the Bongino […] Read More.
Ep. 1184 New Rules, No Mercy
In this episode, I address the explosive legal finding dropped by General Mike Flynn’s legal team which exposes the whole Spygate scheme. I also address the astonishing hypocrisy of the Democrats and how to fight back. Read More.
Bernie Sanders Recants Pledge To Release Full Medical Records
The Democrat candidates took part in a town hall event in Last Vegas last night hosted by CNN in which Bernie Sanders, a candidate lauded by supporters for his supposed consistency, backtracked on a promise he made just last October to release his full medical records. As National Review reported: Sanders backtracked on his previous pledge […] Read More.
Dem Senator Admits to Secret Meeting with Iranian Foreign Minister
Democratic Senator Chris Murphy (CT) admitted today that he secretly met with Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif, after a report surfaced yesterday claiming he and other Democrat Senators met with the official at the Munich Security conference. Murphy tweeted a link to a Medium article he posted today, and wrote, “I met w the […] Read More.
Johns Hopkins Study Finds No Evidence that “Assault Weapons” Bans Reduce Mass Shootings
A recent study by Johns Hopkins’ Bloomberg School of Public Health found no evidence that an “assault weapon” ban would reduce mass shootings. Breitbart points out that the study “did not find an independent association between assault weapon bans and the incidence of fatal mass shootings.” The study claimed licensing requirements like those in Connecticut […] Read More.
Disastrous Amnesty Bill Has Some GOP Support in Senate
President Donald Trump has been making progress on funding his desired border wall, with the most recent development being nearly $4 billion diverted from the Pentagon to fund the project. Trump also recently waived 10 federal laws to expedite the construction of 177 miles of border. Once complete entirely, the wall will put a band […] Read More.
Ep. 1183 They Sold You Out!
In this episode, I address the bombshell accusation by Attorney Alan Dershowitz about this liberal activist that will change the way you look at the Spygate scandal, and the Obama administration. I also address the ridiculous Obama tweet where he tries to take credit for the booming Trump economy. Read More.
Obama Tries to Take Credit for Trump Economy, Fails
Even with unemployment at record lows, the economy continues to surpass expectations. In January the economy added 225,000 jobs, smashing expectations of 158,000, and marking the best monthly jobs gain in five years. The unemployment rate increased slightly to 3.6% – but only because more people are re-joining the labor force (and will likely be […] Read More.
Utah Republicans Consider Calling for Romney to “Immediately Resign” After Sham Impeachment Vote
After Sen. Mitt Romney (R-UT) voted to impeach President Trump, the Utah Republican Party is considering three different resolutions in response, including one which calls upon the lawmaker to “immediately resign,” according to Utah’s KUTV. Steven Clark, chair of the Sanpete County GOP, drafted the non-binding resolution calling for Romney to step down immediately, claiming […] Read More.
Most 2020 Dems Opposed Open Borders – Until Trump Became President
From day one, then-candidate Donald Trump made fighting illegal immigration the bedrock upon which he built his campaign – and the rest is history. Rather than learn from Trump’s ability to hone in on concerns Americans had that politicians refused to address, Democrats instead decided that taking the exact opposite stance would be a viable […] Read More.