
Ep. 1178 The New Rules Are in Effect
In this episode, I address the bold move by the Trump administration to disinfect the fetid DC Swamp, and the hysterical media reaction to it. I also address stunning new findings in the IG report showing that the FBI management is still covering up their Spygate activities. Finally, I address the hysterical mistake by the hapless “Never-Trump Republicans” in New Hampshire. Read More.
Trump NH Rally: 25% of Attendees Were Democrats, 17% Didn’t Vote in 2016
Last night President Donald Trump held a rally in New Hampshire ahead of the Democrat primary there today in an attempt to rattle them (and flip the state for himself in November). Some ralleygoers began lining up thirty-five hours before it began. The rally was noticeably shorter than other recent rallies because Trump wrapped this […] Read More.
NH Gov Predicts TRUMP to Win the State in November, Cites “Economic Prosperity”
The nation’s “economic prosperity” will be part of the reason voters decide to reelect President Trump in New Hampshire, according to the state’s Governor Chris Sununu. “When [voters] go into that ballot box, that’s why they are going to be pulling the lever and Donald Trump is going to win New Hampshire — because we kind […] Read More.
Ep. 1177 Now It’s Time for REAL Investigations
In this episode, I address the explosive appearance by Rudy Giuliani this weekend where he described troubling evidence which should end the political career of Joe Biden. I also address another liberal outrage at the Academy Awards and revealing connections between the anti-Trump cabal members. Read More.
He’s Back: Ricky Gervais RIPS Self-Righteous Celebs Before Academy Awards Show
While most hardworking Americans probably didn’t even realize the Academy Awards show took place last night, British actor and comedian Ricky Gervais ripped into Hollywood elites prior to the event. After a Twitter user asked what his first joke would be if he were hosting the Oscars, Gervais replied, “I can’t wait to hear all […] Read More.
Violent Crime in South Bend Doubled During Mayor Pete’s Tenure
While the youngest on the field by far, Pete Buttigieg proved on the debate stage last Friday (yes, there actually was a debate) that he was just as adept at dodging questions as any seasoned politician. During a discussion on race, one of the debate moderators asked Buttigieg about why the disparity in black arrests […] Read More.
Men Sentenced to Four Years in Prison for Self-Defense Against Antifa
For as much as Antifa may hate America’s criminal justice system, they’re getting a pass from it. This story begins in October of 2018, when a handful of conservatives gathered at an event hosting at Manhattan’s Metropolitan Republican Club. The day before the event, antifa vandals damaged the club, spray painting the doors, gluing the […] Read More.
Virginia Begins Advancing Gun Ban
It’s finally here. After nearly a dozen gun-control bills were passed following Democrats taking complete control over Virginia’s legislature in January, the feared gun ban is finally here. The Washington Examiner’s Paul Bedard has the scoop: In a 12-9 vote, the House Public Safety Committee voted to ban “assault weapons” such as the popular AR-15 […] Read More.
Poll: Democrat Voters Suddenly Stop Caring About Impeachment Following Defeat
Democrats were so serious about impeachment being necessary to “save the country” that just as soon as their inevitable defeat became obvious, they all suddenly stopped caring about it. It was the most partisan impeachment in history – and in that light, it’s hardly surprising that everything we witnessed was merely political theater. In early […] Read More.
WATCH: Man Triggered by Students for Trump Threatens to “Slash” Republican’s Throats
A man who was clearly suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS) went on a tirade earlier this week after he was triggered by a Students for Trump table at Arizona State University. The man approached the table screaming, “…In the town square, slash his throat. Every f**kin Republican, suck my f**kin b*lls. Slash Republican throats. […] Read More.
Ep. 1176 Trump’s Secret Weapon
In this episode, I address President Trump’s secret weapon in the 2020 re-election campaign. I also address the explosive connections between the Spygate plotters, the deep-state, and the Clintons. Finally, I discuss the troubling “New Way Forward” legislation and the blow-out new jobs numbers. Read More.
FBI Lovebird Peter Strzok Claims he will Respond to Trump’s “Attacks”
Disgraced former FBI agent Peter Strzok has vowed to respond to President Trump’s “attacks” on him, writing in tweeting that he will have “more to say” in the future. The Washington Times points out that late Thursday evening, Strzok wrote on Twitter, “I will have a great deal more to say about the president’s attacks […] Read More.
Tired of Losing: After Acquittal, Liberals Complain About “Unfair” Senate
Democrats have wanted to impeach Donald Trump since before he even took office – and they aren’t taking their loss last night well. While some are still in denial (such as Nancy Pelosi, who is still trying to claim victory because Trump was at least impeached on paper, even though removal was always the goal), […] Read More.
President Trump’s Re-Election Odds Hit Record High Day After Acquittal
Just two weeks ago the Gallup poll found that impeachment is increasing public approval for President Donald Trump. The poll, taken after the House vote on impeachment and before the Senate trial, found the president’s approval ratings were “among the highest of his presidency.” Then, the day before the Senate was set to acquit President […] Read More.
Ep. 1175 You Can Smell The Dem’s Desperation
In this episode, I address the Democrats’ total meltdown after President Trump’s acquittal in the Senate trial. I also address more stunning connections between the deep state schemers, the fake whistleblower, the Democrats, and Mitt Romney’s team. Read More.

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