
Ep. 1172 Follow the Money and You’ll Know the Truth
In this episode, I address the troubling money trail which exposed the depths of the Democrats’ scandalous activities in Ukraine. I also discuss the lowa caucuses and the worst case scenario for the Democrats. Finally, I address the latest revelation about Hillary Clinton’s plans for 2020. Read More.
Graham: Senate to Investigate Whistleblower, Bidens After Impeachment Vote
Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) says Republicans will probe the so-called Ukraine “whistleblower” and the Biden family after Wednesday’s impeachment vote. Speaking to Fox News’ Maria Bartiromo yesterday, the senator said, “I want to understand how all this crap started,” and claimed that Senate Intelligence Committee Chairman Richard Burr (R-NC) will call the “whistleblower” for questioning. […] Read More.
Breaking: Senate Votes AGAINST Calling Witnesses in Sham Impeachment Trial
The Senate voted against calling witnesses and introducing more documents in President Trump’s sham impeachment trial. The final vote was 51 to 49–with “Republican” Senators Mitt Romney (UT) and Susan Collins (ME) breaking with the GOP and voting with Democrats. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) released a statement saying, “There is no need for […] Read More.
Not a Joke: CNN Complains That Trump’s Coronavirus Task Force Lacks Diversity
Sadly, we aren’t talking about a satire article from the Onion… While the World Health Organization officially declared the coronavirus a worldwide health emergency, CNN is worried about something far worse: all of the white men on President Trump’s coronavirus task force. In an article titled, Coronavirus task force another example of Trump administration’s lack of […] Read More.
Poll: Most Oppose Removal of Trump – Say Voters Should Decide in November
The most partisan impeachment attempt in American history is drawing to a close, and it’s about to end just how most expected. Only a measly 12% of voters think it’s “very likely” that Trump will be removed from office (which is still unusually high for an event that has a 0% chance of occurring) – […] Read More.
Ep. 1171 When Will This Farce End?
In this episode, I address the dramatic late night developments in the sham impeachment trial. I also address the latest troubling comments by lying Jim Comey. Finally, I discuss this little reported fact about Joe Biden that may explain the Ukraine scandal. Read More.
Ep. 1170 It’s the Same People!
In this episode, I address the troubling revelation yesterday tying John Bolton to this key player in the Spygate scandal. I also address the legal bombshell dropped by Lt. General Mike Flynn’s lawyer. Finally, I address the latest impeachment news and updates. Read More.
Report: Hillary “Intimidated,” REFUSES to Accept Legal Docs from Tulsi Gabbard’s $50M Lawsuit
Hillary Clinton is refusing to accept legal papers from Tulsi Gabbard’s $50 million lawsuit against her according to the Hawaii congresswoman’s attorneys. Gabbard, who is running for president, filed a $50 million lawsuit against Clinton last week after the former Secretary of State implied the congresswoman was a “Russian asset.” Fox News reports: Brian Dunne, […] Read More.
Ep. 1169 Stunning Connections Exposed in the Schemes to Take Down Trump
In this episode, I address the stunning connections between the players behind the Ukraine/impeachment hoax, and past anti-Trump hoaxes. One of the connections is to a known, liberal mega-donor. I also address the real motives of the Democrats calling for witnesses. Read More.
Biden Admits his VP Must be Able to be President Because he’s an “Old Guy”
Well, at least he’s being honest. Democratic Presidential candidate Joe Biden admitted that his vice presidential running mate must be able to handle becoming President because he is “an old guy.” On the campaign trail in Iowa, Biden said yesterday, “I can think of at least eight women, at least four or five people of […] Read More.
Trump’s Historic Wildwood Rally – 26% of Attendees Were Democrats, 10% Didn’t Vote in 2016
President Donald Trump’s rallies continue to attract a broad coalition. While Democrats are trying to out-compete one another by moving further and further to the left, alienating many voters in the process, Trump pitched the GOP as a big tent party last night. And that shows in his audience. Trump’s campaign manager Brad Parscale polls […] Read More.
Venezuela Runs Out of Other People’s Money
Things are only ever getting worse in Venezuela. Inflation rates are still in the millions per year, the economy continues to contract double-digits each year, and food becomes more and more scarce. With extreme poverty at over 90%, Venezuelan leaders will at least soon be able to say they’ve contained that problem once it hits […] Read More.
Hillary Clinton “Feels the Urge” to Run Against Trump Again
There’s still nine months to the election, but things aren’t looking great for the 2020 Democrats. In the hypothetical head-to-head polls President Trump trounces all his opponents, and the bookmaker’s odds favor his re-election. It’s late now – but could another candidate enter the race with the ability to defeat Trump? One has reported thinking […] Read More.
Ep. 1168 Adam Schiff Is Hiding Something Big
In this episode, I address why Adam Schiff is hiding this devastating piece of information in the impeachment sham. It will open your eyes to the Democrats’ plot. I also discuss the collapse of the Democrats’ impeachment case yesterday as the Trump team fought back. Finally, I address a troubling CNN video attacking Trump supporters. Read More.
This is CNN: Pathetic Don Lemon Laughs at Lame Insults About Trump Supporters so Hard he CRIES
Well, this must have given all twelve of CNN’s viewers a good chuckle… Just in case you had any doubt that Fake News CNN wasn’t completely and totally, unabashedly anti-Trump, this weekend’s segment with Don Lemon and his guests Rick Wilson and Wajahat Ali certainly sealed the deal. In fact, the insults hurled at Trump […] Read More.

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