
Climate Related Deaths Down 99.9% Since 1932
The Left’s newest Saint, Greta Thunberg, “informed” us during a now famous speech she gave at the U.N. Climate Action Summit in NYC “You have stolen my dreams and my childhood with your empty words. And yet I’m one of the lucky ones. People are suffering. People are dying. Entire ecosystems are collapsing. We are […] Read More.
The Stock Market Has Increased at Twice the Pace Under Trump vs. Other Presidents
The stock market is closing out the year with a Santa Claus rally. The S&P 500 index is up 28.9% year-to-date (as of writing), and the NASDAQ is on track to close today at a tenth consecutive high. While no shortage of left-leaning pundits and economists predicted doom in the event of a Trump presidency, […] Read More.
Ep. 1144 Is This What John Brennan is Worried About?
In this episode, I address the real reason former Obama CIA Director John Brennan may be sweating. I also discuss the troubling threat to firearm owners in Virginia. Finally, I address the likely reasons religious voters continue to back President Trump. Read More.
Trump Unleashes on “Crazy Nancy,” Calls Democrats “Liars” for their Rush to Impeach Him
President Trump unleashed on Democrats and Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) in a series of early morning tweets today. He slammed Democrats for their hoax impeachment efforts, after they claimed they needed to rush impeachment through to the Senate because they deemed him a “threat to national security.” “The Radical Left, Do Nothing […] Read More.
Really? Trump Cameo Cut from Christmas Broadcast of “Home Alone 2”
Canada’s government-owned broadcasting network, CBC, cut Donald Trump out of its Christmas Day broadcast of Home Alone 2: Lost in New York. first reported the omission, and reached out to CBC and asked why Trump was edited out of the movie. “As is often the case with features adapted for television, Home Alone 2 […] Read More.
Report: Billionaire Bloomberg Used Prison Labor to Make Campaign Calls
Billionaire Democratic presidential candidate Michael Bloomberg had Oklahoma prisoners make phone calls on behalf of his 2020 campaign, according to a report. The campaign contracted the call center company, ProCom through a third-party vendor. ProCom has call centers in both Oklahoma and New Jersey. Two of the call centers are operated out of Oklahoma state […] Read More.
Corporations Brought Back $1 Trillion From Overseas Due to Trump Tax Plan
For decades before President Donald Trump’s tax plan took effect, U.S. corporations with foreign subsidiaries had no (sane economic) choice but to keep their overseas profits abroad. After all, they’d face double taxation if they wanted to bring them home. Their profits were already taxed by the foreign country they’re operating in, and then to […] Read More.
Impeachment Hoax Continues: Dems Consider More Articles of Impeachment Against President Trump
House Democrats will stop at nothing to destroy President Trump, which is why it was revealed yesterday that they may bring more articles of impeachment against the duly elected commander in chief. Attorneys for the House Judiciary Democrats have argued in a federal court battle that former White House Counsel Don McGahn should appear before […] Read More.
Trump Has Flipped America’s Most Liberal Court
Reshaping America’s courts has been a principal accomplishment of Donald Trump that will last for decades beyond his presidency. During the first week of December, eight judges were confirmed, one of which filled the longest-standing vacancy in the federal judiciary. With that brought the tally of Trump’s confirmed justices to 170, meaning that one out […] Read More.
Merry Christmas: Trump Crushes Top Dems in Latest “Electability” Poll
President Trump beats out Vice President Biden, Senator Elizabeth Warren, Mayor Pete Buttigieg and Senator Bernie Sanders in a new YouGov/Economist “electability” poll. The Washington Examiner’s Paul Bedard points out that this is the second poll in two days showing the president’s advantage and has the commander-in-chief leading his opponents by 6 points to 41 […] Read More.
WATCH: Top 12 Fake News Media Fiascos of 2019
As 2019 winds down, the Federalist compiled a list of some of the most embarrassing fake new media fiascos. Among other things, the list includes the story about the Covington Catholic High School students in D.C., the release of the Mueller Report, and the Jussie Smollett hoax hate crime. Watch members of the anti-Trump fake news […] Read More.
New Zealand is the Latest Gun Control Failure
[Following the worst mass shooting in their nation’s history, New Zealand immediately moved towards implementing gun control. So-called “assault weapons,” and the majority of the country’s semiautomatic weapons were to be banned, forcing New Zealanders to sell their firearms to their government. Of course, a buyback is simply confiscation by another name (and with a […] Read More.
Ep. 1142 More Hidden Fireworks In The IG Report
In this episode, I address troubling nuggets buried deep in the IG report that have largely escaped media reporting. This will open your eyes to the real scandal. I also address another media hoax which was debunked this weekend. Finally, I discuss the Trump tax cuts and there incredible results. Read More.
Trump Has Fundraised More from Impeachment Than Democrats Spent on It
Democrats wasted $3 million of taxpayer dollars on the impeachment hearings, though when it comes to our government doing anything, that’s surprisingly cheap. The real loss stems from the fact that this was an impeachment effort launched by Democrats knowing with complete certainly that anything they do put forward will ultimately die in the Senate. […] Read More.

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