
EP 1141 Interview with Congressman Devin Nunes
In this episode, I interview California congressman Devin Nunes about the biggest political scandal in US history. Read More.
New CNN Poll Finds Americans LOVE Trump’s Economy
A new CNN poll has found that 76 percent of Americans believe the economy is either “very or somewhat good”–the highest amount since 2001, when 80 percent felt the same way, the Daily Caller reports. The number is up nine points since last year, when 67 percent of those surveyed approved of the economy. The […] Read More.
Ep. 1140 John Brennan is in Deep Trouble & Pelosi is Running Scared
In this episode, I address the explosive NY Times article showing that John Brennan is under active investigation for his role in the spying scandal and I articulate exactly what he did. I also cover a viral article about the impeachment of Donald Trump which asks the question “was Trump even impeached?” Read More.
Amazing: Many Liberals Think Impeachment Means Removal From Office
I couldn’t help but chuckle the other night when I came across a tweet from the left-wing website Vox asking “Did you know: Impeachment by the House won’t remove Trump from Office?” Who exactly was their target audience for the article – someone who hadn’t taken a fifth grade civics course? Apparently not, as Vox’s […] Read More.
Trump Had a Historic Week While Dems Were Distracted by Impeachment
The House of Representatives impeached Donald Trump this week – sort of. Impeachment itself is a process, not a vote, so if the articles of impeachment are never submitted to the Senate, Trump will have not been impeached. Regardless, despite the delays incurred so far, they are likely to make their way to the Senate […] Read More.
British Lawmakers “Overwhelmingly” Approve Brexit Plan, Leave EU by Jan 31
British lawmakers voted “overwhelmingly” to approve new Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s Brexit plan–setting the stage for the country to leave the European Union on January 31, 2020. The lawmakers voted 358 to 234 to send the Withdrawal Agreement Bill to the next phase, according to Fox News. Fox News reports: The U.K.’s departure will open […] Read More.
Report: U.S. Attorney John Durham Investigating Brennan, Seeking his Emails, Call Logs
U.S. Attorney John Durham’s investigation is focusing, in part, on former CIA Director John Brennan and his communications with former FBI Director James Comey, according to a New York Times report. Durham “has requested Mr. Brennan’s emails, call logs and other documents from the C.I.A….He wants to learn what Mr. Brennan told other officials, including […] Read More.
Census 2020: Illegal Immigration is About to Steal House Seats From the GOP
Earlier in the year the Trump administration abandoned an effort to include a citizenship question on the 2020 Census amid challenges from the courts. It all had to do with representation, as the differing populations of the states will change how many representatives each has. Instead of including just citizens, America’s population total includes non-citizen […] Read More.
The Libs Become Even More Triggered by “Merry Christmas”
Earlier in the week we had some fun documenting how some of the most apoplectic liberals the internet has to offer reacted to a recent appearance of Neil Gorsuch on Fox News, where he talked about his new book. Gorsuch didn’t’ say anything remotely controversial in the segment, but liberals don’t like him or Fox […] Read More.
Ep. 1139 Take the Gloves Off!
In this episode, I address the disgraceful impeachment farce last night and what must be done going forward. It’s time to take the gloves off. I also address the stunning comments by both Attorney General Bill Barr and Inspector General Michael Horowitz that got lost in yesterday’s drama. Read More.
The Trump Impeachment Really is the Most Partisan in History
President Donald Trump has described the impeachment process as a “partisan witch hunt” – and absolutely no one can deny the partisan nature of them. Last night the House voted on two articles of impeachment, the results of which were essentially a party line vote with minor exceptions. Every single Republican voted against impeachment (including […] Read More.
Trump Favored to Win Reelection in Betting Markets for First Time Ever
As Democrats delude themselves that they’re making history with their impeachment proceedings, it’s becoming clearer that impeachment is literally the only way they have to prevent President Donald Trump  from winning the 2020 election. Ironically, the partisan witch hunt has only compounded that problem for Democrats as the public turns against him. A recent poll […] Read More.
WATCH: Republicans Erupt in Laughter, Boos After Top Dem Says They “Did Not Wish” for Impeachment
House Majority Whip Steny Hoyer (D-MD) was laughed at by Republicans after he hilariously claimed that Democrats “did not wish” to impeach the president, reports the Daily Caller. “Democrats did not choose this impeachment. We did not wish for it,” he said, at which point Republicans could be heard booing and laughing over his farcical […] Read More.
WATCH: Pelosi Shoots “Solemn” Dems a Nasty Look After They Cheered Trump’s Impeachment
“Solemn” and “sad” House Speaker Nancy Pelosi shot her colleagues a nasty look yesterday after they cheered the passage of the first article of impeachment against President Trump. As the Speaker announced that the House had the votes to adopt the first article of impeachment and banged her gavel, elated Democrats began to cheer and […] Read More.
Meadows Won’t Seek Reelection, Says His Work With Trump “Is Only Beginning”
Chairman of the House Freedom Caucus Mark Meadows (R-NC) announced today he will not seek reelection, however, he hinted that he will continue to work with President Trump and his administration in some capacity. In a statement released today, Meadows writes, “This was a decision I struggled with greatly. These last 8 years, I have […] Read More.

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