
Ep. 1122 The Explosive Connections The Media is Scrambling to Cover up
In this episode, I address the disturbing connections in the scheme to spy on the Trump team that are now coming to light, and the media is trying to hide. Read More.
Breaking: Stabbing Attack on London Bridge Being Treated as Terrorism
British law enforcement officials are treating a stabbing incident on the London Bridge as a possible terror-related attack, according to Fox News. “Authorities reported ‘a number of people have been injured,’ but it was unclear what the injuries were. Scotland Yard earlier said first responders were called to “a stabbing at premises near to London […] Read More.
Party of Hate: Former Dem Gov Yells at Trump DHS Official, Forces Him to Leave Pub
Failed Democratic presidential candidate, former Maryland Governor Martin O’Malley, verbally attacked Acting Department of Homeland Security Secretary Ken Cuccinelli after confronting him at a D.C. pub on Wednesday. Witness, Siobhan Houton Arnold told the Washington Post that O’Malley was “shouting” at Cuccinelli over the Trump Administration’s handling of immigrant children at the U.S. border. Arnold […] Read More.
Pro-Spartacus Super-PAC Closes After Raising Almost No Money
The 2020 Democratic field began with so many candidates it initially took two separate debates to host them all. The herd has thinned as most of the candidates with little to no name recognition have given up, leaving Joe Biden, Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, and Pete Buttigieg as the front-runners (in that order, according to […] Read More.
Hong Kong Protesters Hold Pro-American Rally on Thanksgiving
The anti-communist protesters in Hong Kong are thanking President Donald Trump and America after he signed a bill before Thanksgiving supporting their cause. As tensions between China and Hong Kong escalate, the bill mandates sanctions on Chinese and Hong Kong officials who carry out human rights abuses in Hong Kong. According to The Hill: The demonstrations […] Read More.
2020 Dems Gun Control Rhetoric Sends Gun Sales Soaring
As the Democrats 2020 campaign rhetoric is heating up, so are the nation’s gun sales. The numbers are in for October, and they show a 11% increase from October of last year according to Small Arms Analytics and Forecasting. The figures from September also showed an 11% year-ver-year increase. According to the report, which makes […] Read More.
Warren Begins Pandering to Native American Community
Support for Elizabeth Warren’s presidential campaign has been cut in half over the past month, and as her support dwindles, she’s pandering to a demographic she once called family. According to Mediaite: Warren and Oregon Senator Jeff Merkley have introduced a bill that would strip the Congressional Medals of Honor that were awarded to participants […] Read More.
Ep. 1121 Don’t Fall into the Trap the Libs & the Media are setting
In this episode, I address the trap liberals, and their media sycophants, are setting us up for with the release of the IG report. It’s going to shock you where they intend to go. I also address the liberal language shift with regard to their silly plans for “free stuff.” Read More.
Putin Foe: Fusion GPS a Russian Agent
Throughout the Spygate saga, one of the most suspicious “proofs” of collusion came from when Russian lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya had her infamous “Trump Tower” meeting with Donald Trump Jr. While cited in the media as evidence of Russian collusion, Veselnitskaya was working with Fusion GPS at the time to defend the firm Prevezon, which had […] Read More.
Trump: Mexican Cartels will be Labeled Terrorist Organizations
President Trump claims he will designate some Mexican cartels as terrorist organizations. In an interview with Bill O’Reilly released yesterday, the host asked “The Mexican drug cartels kill more than 100,000 Americans every year by the importation of dangerous narcotics. Are you going to designate those cartels in Mexico as terror groups?” “They will be […] Read More.
NOSEDIVE: Warren Loses Half of Supporters in One Month
Elizabeth Warren’s campaign is hemorrhaging support as Joe Biden and Pete Buttigieg are seeing their fortunes rise in the polls. In the latest poll from Quinnipiac, Warren’s support has been halved from 28% to 14% from October. Support for Biden inched up three percentage points, while Buttigieg added six. Warren’s further-left male counterpart Bernie Sanders […] Read More.
Obama Privately Said He Would Speak Up to Stop Sanders
There’s a narrative in the media that in the Donald Trump-era, the right-wing has pushed the pedal to the floor, and moved further right than they ever have before. Perhaps us on the right are more “right” in terms of how correct we are, but ideologically speaking, the Republican Party of today is almost identical […] Read More.
WATCH: College Students Slam Thanksgiving, Claim Holiday Shouldn’t be Celebrated
It wouldn’t be a holiday season without liberals taking offense to the traditions most Americans hold near to their hearts…. With Thanksgiving just around the corner, The College Fix decided to ask students at Macalester College in Minnesota if it’s OK to celebrate the American holiday. Their answers may not surprise you. According to the […] Read More.
Study: News Coverage of Trump Impeachment Vastly Different Than Clinton Era
A new study has found that while news networks have obsessed over the Trump impeachment hearings, the same cannot be said for their coverage of the Clinton impeachment era. The Media Research Center reports that ABC, CBS and NBC have dedicated 75 hours of air time to the Democrats’ sham impeachment hearings for President Trump–a […] Read More.
Ep. 1120 Get Ready for the Next Anti Trump Hoax
In this episode, I address the insane narrative the Democrats, and their media pals, are getting to push. You won’t believe where they’re going with this nonsense. Read More.