
Backwards California at it Again: Court Manipulates Catholic Hospital’s Sterilization Ban as “Anti-Trans” in Lawsuit
The California Court of Appeals has ruled that a “transgender patient can sue a Catholic hospital for refusing to perform a hysterectomy.” In the ruling, the Court held that a “Catholic hospital could indeed face legal liability for failing to perform a hysterectomy as part of a female-to-male ‘transition.” However, the ruling is incredibly misleading […] Read More.
Navy SEAL Who Ran Bin Laden Raid: Negotiating with Taliban Will Reverse ‘All the Blood and Treasure We Have Put into Afghanistan’
Retired Adm. Bill McRaven, the Navy SEAL who oversaw the Bin Laden raid as head of Joint Special Operations Command, said earlier this week that “negotiation with the Taliban is like negotiating with ISIS.” He also determined that a negotiated peace may “not be possible.” Speaking at the New America Special Operations Forces Policy Forum, […] Read More.
Beto Confronted by 5’0″ Woman in CO: “I Am Here to Say Hell, No, You’re Not” Taking Away Our Right to Defend Ourselves
Speaking to a crowd in Aurora, Colorado Democratic presidential candidate Beto O’Rourke was confronted about his “hell yes” I will take your guns by an unassuming opponent. Lauren Boebert said to O’Rourke, “I am here to say: Hell, no, you’re not. I have four children, I am 5-foot-0, 100 pounds, I cannot really defend myself […] Read More.
Ep. 1071 The Best CNN Takedown Video I’ve Seen
In this episode, I address what appears to be a coordinated media/liberal hit on the Trump team in an effort to scare them away from investigating massive Obama administration corruption. I also address the hysterical NBC face-plant on their climate change confessions. Finally, I address the socialism debate and a gun story that’s being mischaracterized by the media. Read More.
Update: Trump Responds to Whistleblower Firestorm Involving Call With Ukraine, ‘It Was a Beautiful Call’
We now know that the phone call the whistleblower has brought to the national stage was a call with Ukraine. The Washington Post reported: The complaint involved communications with a foreign leader and a ‘promise’ that Trump made, which was so alarming that a U.S. intelligence official who had worked at the White House went […] Read More.
Liberal Media Admits that Trump is Winning on Immigration With Mexico
The crisis at the border is finally reversing, with the numbers of illegal crossings plummeting in August. Progress began as Mexico was successfully pressured to do their part in combating illegal immigration into the U.S. Earlier in the year, Trump threatened to place tariffs on all Mexican exports, leading to an agreement in June. The […] Read More.
Turns out Obama Was Not a Fan of ‘Fake News’ During Presidency Either, but Still Slams Trump Habits
In a speech at a “Splunk tech conference” yesterday, Obama said in a pointed manner intended to be a swipe at Trump, that as president “the other thing that is helpful is not watching TV or reading social media” according to Axios. He alluded to the dangers of people living in “filter bubbles” of information […] Read More.
2020 Hopeful Yang Wants to Eliminate Car Ownership to Combat Climate Change
One better hope they are the lucky recipient of 2020 hopeful Andrew Yang’s $1,000/month giveaway before his next brilliant plan comes into play. That’s right, the extra money will be very helpful since we would no longer have cars. During MSNBC’s climate forum this morning at Georgetown University, Yang said that “we might not own […] Read More.
Is the ‘Foreign Leader Call’ Whistleblower Showdown ‘Fake News?’
A whistleblower has created quite the “DC firestorm” particularly since we know pretty much nothing. According to Fox News, “A whistleblower complaint that reportedly involved allegations President Trump made a troubling and unspecified ‘promise’ to a foreign leader.” It all started when details “surfaced overnight in a Washington Post report, but many specifics remain unclear […] Read More.
Violent Minneapolis Robberies Caught on Tape as City Suffers Crippling Police Shortage Due to ‘Ultra-Left Agenda’
As of late, the city of Minneapolis has experienced a significant crime spree. Many of the violent attacks have been caught on camera (see below). Lt. Bob Kroll was on ‘Fox and Friends’ this morning discussing that the city’s problem stems from a shortage of police officers. Lt. Kroll knows exactly the root of the […] Read More.
Ep. 1070 Yet Another Deep State Leak
In this episode, I address the latest anti-Trump leak from inside the deep-state and what it really means. I also address Elizabeth Warren’s “gotcha moment” on late night TV. I address the decades of failed “climate change” predictions by liberal outlets and the latest Trump re-election news. Read More.
Dan Calls Toxic Masculinity ‘Peak Stupid’ From the Left
Dan joined Laura Ingraham last night on Fox News to discuss the left’s continuous attacks on males and masculinity. Ingraham asks Dan, “do you suspect what the left is doing here will work with voters?” Bongino responded adamantly, “No! I think what the left is doing, I think you should thank them for what they’re […] Read More.
New Court Information Presented by Prosecutors Suggest American Airlines Mechanic May Have Terror Ties
September 6th we reported a mechanic who had worked for American Airlines since 1998 was tried in federal court for “sabotaging” a plane carrying 150 passengers. Abdul-Majeed Maraud Ahmed Alani said he was frustrated with the economic toil “stalled union contract negotiations” had on him. He claims his plan was simply to tamper with a […] Read More.
Attention All Feminists: Biden Did NOT Believe Anita Hill’s Sexual Harassment Allegations Against Clarence Thomas
Isn’t the first rule of ‘Feminist Fight Club’ to believe ALL females who are brave enough to come forward against their sexual abuse attackers without question? If so, former Vice President Joe Biden is in trouble for his 2020 presidential bid. In the new FOX Nation documentary, “The Confirmation Chronicles Vol. 2: High-Tech Lynching” information […] Read More.
Ep. 1069 Striking Video of the Owning of the Libs
In this episode, I address the real reasons behind the impeachment theater led by the hapless Jerry Nadler and the outstanding appearance by Cory Lewandowski on the Hill. I also address the latest liberal gun grab efforts and the continued use of the faulty Australian model for “gun control.” Finally, I address the growing Ilhan Omar scandal and the vaping controversy. Read More.