
May 2, 2018: Ep. 711 Are Conservatives Gaining Ground in the Culture Wars?
In this episode I address the real world ramifications of liberal economic policies and I provide evidence that the consequences are becoming visible. I also address the FBI’s continued efforts to delay the release of critical information which could entirely dismantle the Russian collusion narrative. Read More.
May 1, 2018: Ep. 710 The Secret Backchannel Exposed
In this episode I address the secret intelligence backchannel exposed in last weeks’ report from congress on the Russia probe. I also discuss the real ramifications of the growing national debt problem and a political strategy for building electoral power. Read More.
April 6, 2018: Ep. 693 Is This What the FBI is Hiding?
The unprecedented efforts by the FBI to hide the documents describing the origins of the Trump/Russia investigation are all making sense now. In today’s show I discuss the scandalous scheme that could destroy our faith in international intelligence cooperation. I also discuss liberal efforts to manipulate suburban voters and China’s “doomsday weapon” in the trade wars. Read More.
April 5, 2018: Ep. 692 How to Win the Economic War with China
In this episode I address how to win the economic war with China. I also expose the Democrats’ battle-plan for the 2018 midterm elections and beyond. I discuss The NY Times sorry attempt to advocate for additional gun control. Finally, I discuss the broken economics of our car market. Read More.
April 2, 2018: Ep. 689 Why is the Media Ignoring this Bombshell Story?
In this episode I address the explosive House of Representatives IT scandal revelations. I also discuss the Democrats’ increasingly ridiculous immigration positioning. Finally, I address the growing Medicaid crisis and how Obamacare contributed to it. Read More.
Ep. 946 Test
In this episode I address the explosive new revelations about John Brennan’s role in the plot to take down the Trump team. I also address the key question we should all be asking: “When did Bob Mueller find out he was investigating a hoax?” Read More.
March 30, 2018: Ep. 688 What is Really Happening Here?
In this episode I discuss the real reasons behind Jeff Sessions’ decision not to appoint a second Special Counsel. I also address a solution to our healthcare crisis that Obamacare is holding up. Finally, I address the problems with pension funding and how it relates to you. Read More.
March 29, 2018: Ep. 687 Another Bombshell Revelation
In this episode I discuss the real reason behind our massive trade deficits and how to rebalance our economy. I also address the cultural impact Hollywood is having on America and why the relaunch of the Roseanne show was significant. Finally, I address the liberal’s two-front attack on Democracy. Read More.
March 28, 2018: Ep. 686 Troubling Details About the Surveillance State
In this episode I address the growing surveillance state and how it will impact both criminal behavior and the behavior of innocent Americans. I also discuss the recent positive economic news and I show how the numbers differ from the Obama administration numbers. Read More.
March 27, 2018: Ep. 685 More Coverups and More Suspicious Contacts
In this episode I address the explosive new details emerging about Obama administration dealings with Russia and Iran. I also discuss another deeply troubling piece about suspicious contacts between connected political insiders, Obama’s intelligence officials, and the Trump team. Read More.
March 26, 2018: Ep. 684 Is this Really a Grassroots Movement?
In this episode I address the Omnibus spending bill and the real reasons that President Trump signed the bill. I also discuss the identity of the organizers behind the March for Our Lives rally. Finally I discuss the reemergence of healthcare as a prominent election issue and why. Read More.
March 23, 2018: Ep. 683 The Real Scandal isn’t Collusion
More companies are jumping on the anti-Second Amendment bandwagon. I address how to fight back. I also discuss some explosive connections between Bob Mueller and people involved in the Obamagate spying scandal. Read More.
March 22, 2018: Ep. 682 Sold Out Again
In this episode I address the suspicious timing of the latest media attack on Jeff Sessions and what I think it says about the investigation into government malfeasance. I also discuss the renewed push for new tax cuts and the real world effects of our out-of-control spending. Read More.
March 21, 2018: Ep. 681 The Case for Firing Bob Mueller
In this episode I address the reasons President Trump should fire Special Counsel Bob Mueller. I also address the ongoing discrimination against conservatives on social media and on YouTube. Read More.
March 20, 2018: Ep. 680 The Liberal War on Free Speech Continues
In this episode I discuss the Left’s increasingly sophisticated war on free speech and their disingenuous appeal to conservatives for help. I also address a spending fight going on with regard to Obamacare that speaks to the lack of guts and integrity on Capitol Hill. Finally, I discuss a fascinating survey addressing the reasons people are evacuating liberal states. Read More.

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