
October 26, 2017: Ep. 577 Don’t Fall for Media Groupthink
In this episode – Be very careful about media-driven narratives about our national drug problem. Here’s the real story about the history of high tax rates in the US. Jeff Flake wasn’t “brave” by not running for re-election. The GOP has overwritten this rule which was written to benefit lawyers, not consumers. Liberals economists are […] Read More.
October 25: Ep: 576 The Democrats are in Tears Today
In this episode – CNN shows its bias on the Russia scandal. The Russian “collusion” scandal was a Democrat scandal the entire time. The liberal media are desperate to turn Chief of Staff John Kelly into a racist. Illinois has gone off the deep end in their fight against choice in the workplace. Is the […] Read More.
October 24, 2017: Ep. 575 Liberals are Full of it on Tax Cuts
In this episode – Here’s the real story behind the proposal to tax your 401 k plan. What really happened in Niger? Debunking the “free rider” myth liberals use when discussing unions. Why is a Republican Senator going after Trump? The hard truth on corporate taxes and your wallet. Read More.
October 23, 2017: Ep. 574 Is Our Government for Sale?
In this episode – Incredibly ironic that the “Trump-Russia” investigation is evolving into a “Democrats-Russia” investigation. Big government healthcare is collapsing in Massachusetts but the Left still thinks it’s a model of success. Why are Americans dying sooner? Scientists discover a chemical in blood that drives predators mad. Democrats are fighting this tax cut for […] Read More.
October 20, 2017: Ep. 573 The Complete Collapse of Liberal Hollywood and the Liberal Media
In this episode – The media and a democrat congresswoman were eviscerated at the White House press briefing yesterday. Devastating new reports showing that low tax states beat high tax states. The Obama-Clinton-Russian collusion scandal is getting uglier. Are the Democrats hiding an enormous political scandal? Liberals are concerned about Disney princess costumes? When does […] Read More.
October 19, 2017: Ep. 572 An Absolutely Inexcusable Attack on Trump
In this episode – Beware of this dangerous liberal scam designed to destroy our Constitutional Republic. Ted Cruz destroys Bernie Sanders on taxes! Busted! The disingenuous congresswoman attacking Trump for calling the widow of a heroic serviceman has a spotty record on veteran’s issues. Federal spending per person has exploded. Check out these disturbing numbers. […] Read More.
October 18, 2017: Ep. 571 The Plot Thickens
In this episode – Is this the biggest political scandal of our time? More on the explosive Obama/Russia scandal. Single-Payer healthcare will always lead to rationing. Doubt me? Read this piece. Your home purchase is more expensive because of the tax code. The media is working overtime to protect Democrats amidst this growing scandal. Read More.
October 17, 2017: Ep. 570 The Liberal Echo Chamber is Collapsing
In this episode – The NFL “take a knee” fiasco is a devastating blow to the media’s echo chamber. Here’s why. Is CBS losing money because of the anti-American NFL protests? These pictures of empty NFL stadiums are additional proof that the boycotts are working. Yes, corporate tax cuts do benefit American workers. Here’s how. […] Read More.
October 16, 2017: Ep. 569 Are Trump Approval Polls All Wrong?
In this episode – I explain why Trump approval polls are misleading and may not be predictive of either midterm or 2020 election results. Hillary Clinton is a really awful person who appeals to the worst instincts in her political base. Sick Liberals are now demanding that Christians bake “Satan cakes.” Democrats are doubling down […] Read More.
October 13, 2017: Ep. 568 Is This the Biggest Political Blunder in Modern Times?
In this episode – Why are the Democrats arguing for bailouts and fewer healthcare choices? The bipartisan “Bump Stock” bill is a scam. Please read about the troubling details. There is a real and growing danger from this type of attack which could wipe out 90 percent of the US population. Despite claims of “climate […] Read More.
October 12, 2017: Ep. 567 Trump’s Lasting Legacy Will be the Collapse of Sacred Cows
In this episode – Trump has destroyed any credibility the liberal media, and Hollywood had left. Here’s how he did it. Did a sports journalist really compare being an NFL athlete to being a slave? Hollywood lectures us based strictly on the “illusion of knowledge.” The Weinstein scandal has exposed them for the frauds they […] Read More.
October 11, 2017: Ep. 566 The GOP is Breaking Another Critical Promise
In this episode – Why does the Las Vegas attack timeline keep changing? We are winning the battle against the anti-American NFL protests. The GOP is blowing up the budget despite promising us otherwise. Are the “rich” paying their “fair share”? The Left are hypocrites on sexual assault and harassment. Read More.
October 10, 2017: Ep. 565 Are The Democrats in Real Trouble in 2020?
In this episode – President Trump should leave the Republican Party. It offers him nothing but grief. Liberals have found another new enemy, Christopher Columbus. Are Millennials going to abandon the Democrat Party? If they do then 2020 will be a Democrat nightmare. The Obamacare contraception mandate had to be repealed. It forced Catholics to […] Read More.
October 9, 2017: Ep. 564 Liberals Are Getting Worried
In this episode – The NFL “Take a Knee” protests have been a catastrophe. Look at these astonishing poll numbers. Are the liberal claims of “systemic oppression” based on the real world, or based on a media-Hollywood-academia-fabricated world? The Vice President takes a strong stand against the anti-American NFL protests. A prominent Democrat just made […] Read More.
October 6, 2017: Ep. 563 This is Why We Own Guns
In this episode – Liberals keep condescendingly asking us why “we need guns.” Was the Las Vegas attacker radicalized? Debunking liberal “gun control” claims. The September job numbers are out and there’s some bad news, and some good news. Read More.

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