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Ben Shapiro: I Didn’t Vote for Trump in 2016, But Here’s Why I Will This Year

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  • Source: Dan Bongino
  • 06/11/2022
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Ben Shapiro has publicly declared that he didn’t vote for Trump in 2016 but is going to vote for him this year.

Ben said there were three reasons he decided to vote for Trump in 2020.

1) He said he was wrong about Donald Trump on policy. Trump’s policies turned out to be much more conservative than he expected.

2) He believes he wasn’t wrong about Trump’s character, but whatever damage that caused has already been done and it’s not going to be any worse if Trump serves a 2nd term.

3) “Third, and most importantly, the Democrats have lost their f****** minds.”

If you wanted to sum the entire video up in a single quote, this would probably be it.

“But, if you care about the Constitution and economic freedom and the security of the United States, you really don’t have a whole Hell of a lot of choice. You should vote for Trump. You should certainly vote against Joe Biden and the Democratic Party that is running completely off the rails and now threatens the integrity of the Republic if they are given the levers of power.” — Ben Shapiro

Let me add that in some quarters, Ben has been portrayed as a diehard “Never Trumper” and that’s really not true. He has criticized Trump frequently, but he has also praised him a lot. Additionally, unlike the people trying to turn the Never Trump movement into a career move, Ben has never endorsed Democrats, worked to undermine conservatives, or used his criticism of Trump as a hook to get on television. As Ben noted in the video, he still has concerns about Trump, but he wants to see him in the White House instead of Joe Biden. That is good news if you want to see Donald Trump reelected.

John Hawkins is the author of 101 Things All Young Adults Should Know. You can find him on Parler here & Twitter here.

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