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Biden Admin Responds to Inflation Concerns by Bragging July 4 Cookouts Are 16 Cents Cheaper

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As rising inflation becomes an issue, the Biden administration is looking to counter the narrative by informing the American public that they can expect to see an entire sixteen cents of savings during their July 4th cookouts.

While gas prices are at two-year highs, the new July 4th savings will enable the American consumer to purchase an entire 0.05 gallons of gas. Alternatively, with the savings one can even now afford to purchase three pieces of Bazooka Bubble Gum – and have a penny to spare!

While this may sound made up, the White House’s official twitter account actually debuted that talking point yesterday in a widely mocked tweet:

The consumer price index rose 5% in May, the highest year-over-year increase in 13 years. Gas prices have risen from hovering around $2.50 leading up to election day to $3.18 today, a 27% increase. That a July 4 cookout was the only thing the administration could point to that decreased in value, and so marginally so, proves the opposite point they think it does.

The real winners here will be those with healthy appetites, who can possibly expect to save as much as 32 or even 48 cents this July 4th.

Matt Palumbo is the author ofĀ Dumb and Dumber: How Cuomo and de Blasio Ruined New York,Ā Debunk This: Shattering Liberal Lies, andĀ Spygate

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