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Biden Administration Cancels Massive Oil and Gas Lease Sale as Prices Hit Record-Highs

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The Biden administration canceled a planned gas lease sale in Alaska as Americans continue to face record-setting prices at the pump.

From The Federalist:

CBS News revealed the Biden administration canceled more oil and gas leases across the country this week as soaring gas prices reached new heights Wednesday.

The Department of Interior canceled plans to drill in more than 1 million acres in Alaska’s Cook Inlet, arguing “lack of industry interest,” on top of canceling a pair of leases in the Gulf of Mexico over “conflicting court rulings.”

President Biden has vowed to fight climate change by eliminating U.S. dependence on fossil fuels, but that promise now faces push back as Americans deal with increasingly painful prices for gas.

The conflict has put Biden in a tough political position, with one environmental advocate telling CBS News that the administration has been silent on the canceled leases for fear of being attacked politically.

“They don’t want to get hit by the Republicans in light of the high gas prices,” the advocate, who spoke to CBS anonymously, said. “They’re getting killed on attacks based on inflation. The most visible sign of inflation is high gas prices.”

Nevertheless, the administration has showed no signs it plans on reversing its position on new leases, with White House climate adviser Gina McCarthy telling MSNBC last month that the president is “absolutely committed to not moving forward with additional drilling on public lands.”

Gas prices have continued to set new record-highs this week, with AAA noting a 17 cent spike from just last week.

The president has suffered in polling as a result, with one Washington Post-ABC poll conducted last week finding that only 38% of voting-aged adults approve of how he has handled the economy. Biden scores even worse on inflation, with only 28% saying they approve of how Biden has handled the issue.

Photos by Getty Images

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