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Biden Now Says He’s “Not Sure” He Can Shut Down the Border

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  • Source: Bongino
  • 04/11/2024
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Joe Biden apparently forgot he was president earlier this week while once again pretending to care about the border crisis for a couple of minutes. 

While speaking with Univision’s Enrique Acevedo, Biden was asked about potential executive action on the border, which he questioned whether he has the ability to implement.  

According to the New York Post

President Biden refused to commit to using executive action to turn away [illegal] migrants seeking to enter the U.S. at the southern border, arguing in an interview that  he’s unsure whether he has that power. 

“Well, I suggested that,” Biden told Univision’s Enrique Acevedo when asked about a potential executive order on immigration and border security.  “We’re examining whether or not I have that power,” he added. 

“There’s no guarantee that I have that power all by myself without legislation. And some have suggested I should just go ahead and try it. And if I get shut down by the court, I get shut down by the court. But we’re trying to work that, work through that right now,” he said of the current state of potential executive action. 

Watch below:


Biden never had any doubts about his ability to use executive orders to dictate border policy before. 

On his first day in office as president, Biden issued a number of executive orders to undo the Trump immigration agenda, including reissuing DACA protections, halting border wall construction, and rolling back policies to boost interior deportations. So desperate was Biden to halt border construction that it was only a few months into his presidency that $2 billion was spent paying construction workers at the border to “babysit” metals instead of build the the wall. 

Matt Palumbo is the author of Fact-Checking the Fact-Checkers: How the Left Hijacked and Weaponized the Fact-Checking Industry and The Man Behind the Curtain: Inside the Secret Network of George Soros

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