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Biden Rates His Debate Performance: I Think We Did Well

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  • Source: Bongino
  • 06/28/2024
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Perhaps more embarrassing than Joe Bidenā€™s debate performance last night was his evaluation of that trainwreck.


So far gone is Biden that as Democrats are in full-on panic mode about needing to replace him, Biden is singing his own praises. 

Biden told reporters at an Atlanta Waffle House after the debate "I think we did well.ā€ When asked about if he had any concerns about his performance, Bidenr replied "No it's hard to debate a liar, New York Times pointed how he lied 26 times. Big lies." He also claimed to have a cold. 

If thereā€™s anything who thinks that debate went well for Biden, itā€™s Biden - and no one else.

According to the bookies, Bidenā€™s odds of winning reelection suffered their most drastic drop ever. The New York Postā€™s Victor Nava noted:

Bidenā€™s chances of re-election plummeted 15 points in the aftermath of the CNN debate, one betting website,, showed. 

The site, which allows users to buy stock in a candidateā€™s chances of winning the November race, showed Biden at 48 cents per share ā€“ the equivalent of a 48% chance of victory ā€“ prior to the debate and at only 33 cents per share afterward. 

Meanwhile, Trumpā€™s stock on PredictIt peaked at 61 cents per share in the early moments of the debate before settling at 58 cents after. The 78-year-old came into the debate with a 53% shot at the White House, according to the websiteā€™s data., which aggregates data from the bookies, has Bidenā€™s chance of winning reelection down to 20%, and implied a 312-226 victory in the electoral college for Trump.
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