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Biden’s Approval Plummets to Latest Record Low of 36.3%

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  • Source: Dan Bongino
  • 06/11/2022
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It seems like every week Joe Biden’s approval rating is hitting a new record low – because that’s how it’s been trending.

According to the Post Millennial:

A recent poll released by the Trafalgar Group has revealed that Biden’s approval rating in November has continued to fall, landing at 36.3 percent. Of the 36.3 percent that approve of Biden’s job performance, 18.1 percent strongly approved, and 18.2 percent approved. Of the 59.1 percent that disapproved, 52.2 percent strongly disapproved, and 6.9 percent disapproved.

Among Democrats, just 65 percent of respondents said they approve of Biden’s job performance, and 31 percent said they disapproved.89.7 percent of Republicans disapprove of Biden’s job performance, with a whopping 85.3 percent of those saying they strongly disapprove. Biden also scored dismally amongst independents, with just 29.3 percent saying they approve, and 62.1 saying they disapprove. Of those that disprove, 51.2 percent said they strongly disapprove.

It may become more accurate to now report on the latest Biden approval ratings as being “the worst until the next poll.”

Of all the polls in the Real Clear Politics average, Trafalgar’s does have Biden’s approval at the lowest, but their average of 42.2% approving and 52.1% disapproving isn’t much better. Biden’s approval in the average poll has been underwater since mid-April.

Biden is even losing support in age demographics that heavily lean left. In Harvard University’s Institute of Politics poll, Biden is underwater with 18-29 year olds by five points, with 46% approving and 51% disapproving.

For independents in that age range, it’s 39%/59%.

Back in March, 59% percent of young Americans approved of Biden’s job, meaning he’s down 13 points. Or in other words, Biden lost 22% of his youth support since then.

Matt Palumbo is the author of The Man Behind the Curtain: Inside the Secret Network of George SorosDumb and Dumber: How Cuomo and de Blasio Ruined New YorkDebunk This: Shattering Liberal Lies, and Spygate

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