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Biden’s Sanctuary County Orders Lead to Illegal Alien Sex Offenders Being Freed Into U.S.

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  • Source: Dan Bongino
  • 06/11/2022
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President Joe Biden’s “sanctuary country” orders have resulted in illegal alien sex offenders being freed into the United States.

From Breitbart:

A report by FOX 29’s Yami Virgin in San Antonio, Texas, reveals that aside from local counties having to release criminal illegal aliens onto the streets, the U.S. Marshals are releasing illegal alien sex offenders from their custody as a result of the Biden orders.

Two illegal alien sex offenders — one in Austin, Texas, and another in Del Rio, Texas, — were released by U.S. Marshals after ICE agents were prevented from taking them into custody, sources in law enforcement told Virgin.

With ICE agents unable to take aliens into custody, it is likely that thousands of migrants with criminal records have been released into the local population:

San Antonio, alone, Virgin reported 36 criminal illegal aliens had been released into the community rather than turned over to ICE agents.

Those released illegal aliens had been arrested and charged with aggravated assault of a police officer, domestic violence, and drug crimes.

Biden’s immigration policies have garnered lawsuits from states such as Texas and Florida, who have argued the policies have led to criminal migrants being released directly into their local communities.

The story adds another layer to the deepening crisis the new administration has faced at the border since Biden took office, with a record breaking stream of migrants attempting to make the crossing.

Detention facilities have at times had a hard time making enough room for the surge of arrested migrants, resulting in crowded facilities at a time when authorities are trying to protect against the spread of COVID-19.

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