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Congressman Introduces Federal Ban on Coronavirus Vaccine Passports

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A bill that would ban vaccine passports at the federal level was introduced by Representative Andy Biggs of Arizona.

The bill is called the “No Vaccine Passports Act,” and would ban federal agencies from issuing vaccine passports to document a person’s coronavirus vaccine statutus.

As The Post Millennial reports:

In the official text, the bill looks to prohibit federal agencies from issuing “a vaccine passport, vaccine pass, or other standardized documentation for the purpose of certifying the COVID- 19 vaccination status of a citizen of the United States to a third party, or otherwise publish or share any COVID-19 vaccination record of a citizen of the United States, or similar health information. “It would also prohibit the requirement to show proof of COVID-19 vaccination to access federal property or services, or for access to congressional grounds or services.

In a statement issued by Congressman Biggs, he said that we was “profoundly disturbed” at the considerations, and called them an invasion of privacy. “I am profoundly disturbed that the Biden Administration would even consider imposing vaccine passports on the American people. My private healthcare decisions—and yours—are nobody else’s business.  Vaccine passports will not help our nation recover from COVID-19; instead, they will simply impose more Big Brother surveillance on our society,” said Biggs.”I am profoundly disturbed that the Biden Administration would even consider imposing vaccine passports on the American people. My private healthcare decisions—and yours—are nobody else’s business.  Vaccine passports will not help our nation recover from COVID-19; instead, they will simply impose more Big Brother surveillance on our society,” Biggs continued.

Press Secretary Jen Psaki said last week that the Biden administration has no plans for a national vaccine passport. But then again, this comes from the same administration that wouldn’t answer if they supported or opposed court packing and just created a commission to study expanding the SCOTUS – shamed Trump for “kids in cages” while “caging” more kids than ever were under Trump – and pledged to not raise taxes on anyone earning below $400k before lowering that threshold to $200k.

A number of states have pledged to or introduced legislation to prevent non-vaccinated people from being turned away from businesses, including Arizona, Arkansas, Florida, Iowa, Louisiana, Maryland, Minnesota, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Texas and Wisconsin.

A good chunk of people are understandably creeped out by the idea of a vaccine passport, and it may be a pointless policy to begin with due to its high susceptibility to fraud. New York recently launched a vaccine passport program – and it took privacy advocate Albert Fox Cahn less than fifteen minutes to obtain fake credentials.

Matt Palumbo is the author of Dumb and Dumber: How Cuomo and de Blasio Ruined New York, Debunk This: Shattering Liberal Lies, and Spygate

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