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Canadian Gelato Shop Owner Who Donated to Freedom Convoy Speaks Out About Threats From the Left

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  • Source: Dan Bongino
  • 06/11/2022
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Following the hack of GiveSendGo, the identities of thousands of donors to Canada’s freedom convoy were revealed, many of whom became targets of harassment from the left.

Among those targeted was Tammy Giuliani, who owns Stella Luna Gelato Café in Ottawa. Giuliani donated $250 to the convoy, and after the GiveSendGo hack her restaurant began receiving phone calls threatening violence, forcing her to temporarily close her business.

Making matters worse, the entirely anti-convoy media in Canada drew more attention to her, with the Ottawa Citizen dedicating an entire article to “exposing” her donation (and largely glossing over the severity of the threats she received). Many immediately recognized the reporting as nothing more than targeted harassment, and it generated massive blowback online to the point where even Ilhan Omar condemned it as going too far.

Giuliani spoke to Jesse Waters last night to talk about her experience, breaking down at one point, explaining:

I think never in my 56 years have I ever experienced a country so divided, so full of hatred toward friends and neighbors … You know, they may have opinions that differ from theirs, but they’re so willing to publicly shame and humiliate and spew forth angry vitriol. You know, we have been called terrorists. For the first 60 to 36 hours, we were inundated with hatred, with threats of violence. People threatened our team on the phone, telling them, “We’re coming to get you. We’re going to throw bricks through your window. You’ll pay for this, you Nazi supporter.” I personally have been called a “disgusting pig of a woman” and that I should rot in hell. Our rural shop out in Marrickville, Ontario, someone draped a large bedsheet over a sign.

[Crying] I’m sorry, it’s been a tough few days … The sign read “Tammy supports terrorists.” Now, Mama Bear is going to dig out her claws on that one, and we’re getting the video surveillance of the incident, and we will pursue that with the police.

Watch below:

Photos by Getty Images

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